Craft Kits for SACRAMENTS, Saints, Seasons, Catechism and Prayer!

Checkout our Cathletics Craft Kits, packed with  Sacraments, Saints, Liturgical Seasons, Catechism and Prayer! Click on a Craft Kit to read more about it in its Featured Post!


A fresh way to prepare for the Sacraments! Scrapbook your way with our Kelly Saints and custom Catholic clipart, Catechism and Reflective prompts!

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2021 July Saints Days

We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for July Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Precious Blood of Jesus.

A video about the #1 Most Impressive Eucharistic Miracle by Fr. Mark Goring

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Through the Year with Jesus {Book Review}

Through the Year with Jesus by Katherine Bogner is a beautifully illustrated hardcover book reflecting on the Gospel Readings throughout the entire year! The book begins with an explanation of the format of the book and how it presents the Life of Jesus in the order of the Liturgical Calendar. It also includes a note for Parents and Teachers, a guide to Lectio Divina (and Visio Divina -using Sacred Art) for Children, and a guide for praying the Rosary.

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Celebrating Holy Week at Home

With the reality of closed Churches and cancelled public Masses, we’re all scrambling to figure out how to celebrate the liturgies of Holy Week meaningfully at home.

Our Directory of Live-Streamed and On-Demand Masses: Homilies at Home

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Mass Resources ~ Homilies at Home

With the current closures of Churches and cancellation of Masses, we are suddenly all feeling the very real impact of the Coronavirus. I began compiling this Homilies at Home Directory a few short months ago and I will be adding to it as quickly as the recommendations come in (see online form below!) so that we can all listen to homilies at home!

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Mass Journal HACK

When I discover great prayer tools, I love to share them! I am still really enjoying Jesus Speaking: Heart to Heart with the King * and Every Sacred Sunday as well as Magnify*, the book I recently reviewed here

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10 Tips for Faith+Family=focused Ordinary Time

We just took down our tree…on the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord: the last day of the Christmas Season. Sometimes we feel a little down when the official Christmas season is over. It’s hard to jump enthusiastically into Ordinary Time, because it sounds so, well, ordinary!

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Equipping Catholic Families ….with New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again, our second chance to start the new year (the Liturgical Calendar began with Advent in 2019).These are the big four resolutions that I’m going to tackle (again) and I’ve included some resource, article and affiliate links that I’ve found helpful.

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Book Review: The Sacred That Surrounds Us: How Everything in a Catholic Church Points Us to Heaven

I’m so excited about this book!

This is a beautiful 125 page Catholic reference book as beautiful as any photographic coffee table book. It explains the historical and symbolic significance of each vessel, vestment, linen, devotional, Church furnishing and architectural component found within a Catholic Church. Each sacred article is presented with exquisite photography and meticulously described with infused Catholic teaching to relay the deeper meaning and ethereal qualities and purposes from our rich Tradition and Faith. As we learn more about these vessels, vestments and articles within the sacred spaces of our Church, we can come to a better appreciation of the beauty and significance they lend to the remarkable Sacraments we receive. This book will help to foster reverence and awe within the Faithful, as we are called to approach the Altar of the Lord.

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Equipping Catholic Families …with Traditions for Ordinary Time!

Sometimes we feel a little down when the official Christmas season is over. It’s hard to jump enthusiastically into Ordinary Time, because it sounds so, well, ordinary! But Catholic living can add so much richness to our every day life and celebrating our Faith and family culture can be an active pursuit all year long! Here are ten ideas to foster your own family culture…while integrating the richness of our Catholic Faith with Saints, Sacraments, Scripture, Catechism and Prayer! All of our Cathletics Craft Kits come with permission to copy for family use and they’re packed with Catechism, Saints, Sacraments and Prayer to get you started, but we’ve included other helpful links too!

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