Equipping Catholic Families…for SUMMER with the SAINTS!

Summer is closing in! Want to spend the SUMMER getting to know the Saints better?

We’ve got craft kits for that! 64 Saints are presented across our three Saint Scripts Craft Kits with full color postcards, short bios and quick facts, along with black and white templates for DIY research projects, Saint Albums, quizzing games and art projects!

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Equipping Catholic Families for June Saints!

Monthly Devotion of June: Sacred Heart of Jesus

Woven Heart Craft (with video tutorial)

See Equipping Catholic Families for Ordinary Time

Key Feast Days in June:

Saints Craft Kits

22 Saint-packed Craft Kits at the Arma Dei Shoppe including:

Saints Crafts:

  • TY Doll Saint Makeovers
  • I Spy…the Saints
  • Felt Saints Tutorial
  • Guess Who?!…the Saints FREE printable!
  • CrackerBox Cathedral Clipart for the Wooden Painted Saints!
  • NEW! Prayer Impressions Journal Saints Stamps!

Season of the Liturgical Calendar:

Ordinary Time!

See Equipping Catholic Families for Ordinary Time!

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Equipping Catholic Families…for Ordinary Time!

Prayer Activities and Resources for Ordinary Time!

Sacrament Prep in Ordinary Time

Catechism Crafts for Ordinary Time!

Ready to start the Family Rosary?

The Easy as Abacus Rosary is an awesome Catholic craft and tool to keep kids involved, saying the Rosary as a family! All our original artwork is included in the PDF!

The Mysteries of the Rosary Craft Kit is packed with innovative, kid-magnet illustrations and crafts to help kids say the Rosary! It includes lace-up booklets and our innovative revolving rosary…all packed with our original Kelly Saints artwork!

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Equipping Catholic Families…for Pentecost!

We’re counting the days down until the Feast of Pentecost! The Birthday of the Church!

Are you looking of for some Catholic Crafts or family activities or traditions for this Sunday’s Feast?

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Equipping Catholic Families…for the Ascension of the Lord!

Feast Day Crafts and Activities for the Ascension of the Lord! 

Excerpts from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families , various posts at Equipping Catholic Families and our Saint Scripts Craft Kits (Series ONE and TWO) and Saint Scripts THREE!

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Teaching the Times Tables

A few years ago, I discovered this book  (see info below) and it helped a couple of my kids really grasp the times tables.

We even added our own 12th Elf Times Tables and made flash cards out of them. You can find out all about the book and our printable here: Learning Math the Fun Way

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Equipping Catholic Families…for May Saints Days!

Monthly Devotion of May: Mary, Our Blessed Mother!

See Equipping Catholic Families for the Monthly Devotion of Our Blessed Mother Mary! Tons of Mary crafts, activities and traditions!

Key Feast Days in May:

See Equipping Catholic Families for the Monthly Devotion of Our Blessed Mother Mary!

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Equipping Catholic Families for the Month of May!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

The Monthly Devotion for May is the Blessed Virgin Mary

Here’s a quick picture summary of some of our favorite Mary and Rosary crafts!

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DIY Litany of Trust

On the Feast of the Annunciation, Lauren of @brickhouseinthecity shared the Litany of Trust for Mothers that she wrote and prays daily. Lauren also has a line of inspiring Catholic Women’s Apparel and a blog here: Brick House in the City

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Mini Rosary Abacus Tutorial

Recently, I painted my own custom Mary icon for our family and I decided to use a print of it for another special little craft.

Since I finally joined the ranks of Daily Rosary Prayer last summer, I’ve been continuing to find better ways to stay focused and pray my 5 decades a day… see Reluctant to Regular Rosary Prayer for 5 Practical tips!

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