Our Encounter with St. John Paul II!

Happy Feast Day of St. John Paul II!

Twenty years ago, a Mom of two young kids, I began collecting ideas for crafts and activities to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith at home. Tapping into the Liturgical Calendar of our Church, what I thought would be just a little booklet for my Catholic Mom friends, turned into a 300 page book. When we weren’t quite satisfied with our publisher options, we decided to embark on a brand new journey of self-publishing.
My business-prof-husband cold-called our growing directory of Catholic Book stores in North America and we carefully chose our family vacation routes by the Catholic Book Stores we could visit on the way.

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Equipping Catholic Families with Rosary Crafts

Make a Rosary Abacus with the printable packed with the Mysteries of the Rosary and instructions for the pony bead abacus.

This Cathletic Craft Kit offers full sets of Mysteries of the Rosary thumbnails and clipart of the Blessed Virgin Mary to customize a Rosary Abacus made from a square framed canvas from the Dollarstore.

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Prompt Me to Pray ~ Prayer Retreat

I’m trying something new!

Next week, I’m leading my first ever Prayer Retreat at Catholicland up here in Canada!

The Prayer Retreat is based on my book Prompt Me to Pray, but I have also created a special Retreat Companion for each attendee. I think this workbook will help each one of us to customize our own personal plan for more consistent prayer from the heart.

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October Saints Days

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions for October Saints, the Monthly Devotion of the Rosary and organized and prayerful Ordinary Time!

I think October is my favorite month for Saints with my favorites St. Therese and St. John Paul II.  See the time we stood up the Pope 

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Book Review: The Virtues for Catholic Youth

Well, Catholic Sprouts seems to be on fire with the Holy Spirit! They’ve been creating wonderful resources for years and it sounds like they’re on the verge of something extra exciting with their big Innovation Challenge win and partnership with Our Sunday Visitor for the Domestic Church Project.

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Review: Say Yes: Discovering Purpose, Peace and Abundance in Daily Life

Say Yes: Discovering Purpose, Peace and Abundance in Daily Life
by Christina Semmens

English and Spanish translation in one book!

This book is a treasure! It’s just the book I was looking for as I pursue a deeper spiritual life, a closer relationship with Jesus, more heartfelt personal prayer and a stronger commitment to surrender to Jesus, placing my trust in Him.

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Review: Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women: Make Every Day Blessed

“Stay Connected: Journals for Catholic Women help you deepen your connection with Christ through inspiring stories, reflections, Scripture study, and prompts for prayer and journaling. Each journal explores a different path to spiritual growth in seven short, easy-to-complete chapters – perfect for individuals or small faith-sharing groups!”

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Equipping Catholic Families with Online Catholic Conferences this fall!

Most of the conferences are available for FREE or a small fee/donation
with an option to buy a full access pass for continued access to talks.

Shine Your Light Catholics Online Virtual Conference

September 18-20, 2020 

Catholic Speakers include

  • John Kinuthia
  • Amy Brooks
  • Emily Ricci
  • Sara Estabrooks

Virtual Healing Conference

September 25-27, 2020.

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Catholic Crafts for September Feasts!

We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for September Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Seven Sorrows of Mary…along with various Catholic Crafts and Saint Calendar kits to ease our way Back to School!

Up here in Canada, we are just getting Back to School…so we’re launching a Back to School Special (code: backtoschool2020 ) in the Arma Dei Shoppe to cheer that up!

Spend $30 on Cathletics Craft Kit PDFs and get $10 OFF*

*Special SALE applies to the purchase of PDF craft kits only. Sale ends September 14th.
Books, cards, journal stamps not included within the $30 minimum purchase.

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What they’re saying about Prompt Me to Pray

It is an irrefutable truth that the new evangelization in our time
“depends in great part on the Church of the home.”

(St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 52).
Monica McConkey has been equipping Catholic families with creativity, fidelity, and fun for decades.
This little book is another gem in that arsenal! It is both simple in presentation and profound in content.
But be forewarned … it could change your life,
and the life of your domestic Church, in powerful and beautiful ways!
~Bishop Scott McCaig, C.C.
Military Ordinariate of Canada

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