Equipping Catholic Families for the Holy Triduum!

Blessings to you, this Holy Triduum!

Last Minute Links!

Holy Thursday

Seder Supper with Script: Expanded Craft Kit

This Cathletic Craft Kit offers the basic ingredients, significance and text of the Seder Supper meal…for Christians.

This Expanded Seder Supper Printable includes a Script of prayers, questions and explanations, as well as Scripture references to read aloud.

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My Instagram Account was Kidnapped, but here’s an EASTER Giveaway!

One week ago, my Instagram account was disabled, for some mysterious violation that I don’t think exists. I have repeatedly appealed this violation every day to no avail. I really appreciated my Instagram account, not only as kind of family diary of family trips, and special occasions celebrated with our family but also as an awesome visual venue to get the word out on the Catholic books, craft kits, quizzing cards and stamps I have created through my Catholic Business Arma Dei.

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Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ NEW Original Prayer Card

Today, we join Pope Francis as he consecrates Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

We’ve got a Prayer Card with our own original artwork and this prayer:

Immaculate Heart of Mary,
full of love for God and mankind,
and of compassion for sinners,

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The Cloak of St Joseph Visual Devotional is here!

I’ve been a fan of St. Joseph’s for quite some time…our son named after him just turned 21! My love and respect for St. Joseph only got stronger with the Consecration to St. Joseph a lot of us did last year and the Dedication of the Year to St. Joseph by Pope Francis.

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NEW Craft Kit! It’s been in the works for over a decade!

Gospel Graces: Prompts to Pray through LENT

Actually, way back in 2008, I began a project of illustrating the Sunday Gospel Readings! I got through most of Cycle A and then got distracted with other Craft Kits, Quizzing Cards and Books. Through my Prompt Me to Pray through the Seasons booklets I released last year, I became reacquainted with these illustrations and decided to pull together:

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Equipping Catholic Families for MARCH Saints and LENT!

Equipping Catholic Families for March Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

The Monthly Devotion for March is St Joseph
Last Year was dedicated to St Joseph!

These are both EXCELLENT books about St. Joseph!

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(Mostly) LENT Crafts at HOME ~ with what you have on hand!

Looking for crafts to do at home, with what you have on hand?
We sifted through our archives and these are the simplest crafts we found. Many of the crafts are totally appropriate for LENT and the others are just in case you have any kids obsessed with Medieval Times.

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Saints Resources: Prayer Cards, Flash Cards, Bookmarks and Workbooks!

Have I mentioned how much I love the Saints?

We in fact have our own Saints Craft Kits (Saint Scripts Craft Kits, Sacraments with the Saints, Saints Stickies, SAINTS Valentines Love Quote Cards, Saints CalendarCatholic Conversation Pieces, Kelly Saints Blessing Cards and Kelly Saints Stamps) Quizzing Cards (Super Saints) and Catholic Saints Stamps, but I’m always excited to see how others portray the saints and what facts and quotes and prayers they associate with their favorite saints.

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Catholic Craft Kits for Valentine’s, LENT and Holy Week!

First of all, St. Valentine’s Day is NEXT week!

How about SAINT Valentine’s Day Love Quote Cards for your kids’ classrooms of friends? This is an INSTANT Download of 48 different cards, illustrated with the irresistible Super Saints, each sporting a special quote or prayer about LOVE.
SAINTS Love Quote Cards PDF Download: $5

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Let’s Do LENT…Catholic Mom Bundle 2022!

Have you started to think about what you’re going to do for Lent?

It can be a little daunting to choose what prayer, almsgiving, fasting and sacrifices you might take on. We’re here to help with the Catholic Mom Bundle! I’ve been working with a bunch of Catholic Moms, Authors and Artisans to create a special combination of resources to help you live liturgically, refresh your heart and focus your Lent!

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