Favorite Prompts to Pray: from our Readers!

One of my first prayer prompts was given to me and also to all students in my grade 4 class in Montreal by our teacher, a Catholic Christian Brother (teaching order of monks). He reminded the class that we were all soldiers of Christ since we had received the sacrament of Confirmation ( 1952).  He asked us to raise our right hand to our forehead and salute Christ quietly, without fanfare, every time we passed by a Catholic Church. Since there were about 5 Catholic Churches on the street car I took to go to school every day, I got lots of practice. The habit stuck, and I still do that today. ~Bruce

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Next Phase Parenting: Gen Z

Somewhere along the lines, we seem to have entered a new phase of parenting. Our adult to kid ratio has changed abruptly from 2:5 to 5:2 and the dynamics of this change have become more pronounced during this unexpected extended time under one roof.

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Saints Schooling

We’ve got craft kits for that! 64 Saints are presented across our three Saint Scripts Craft Kits with full color postcards, short bios and quick facts, along with black and white templates for DIY research projects, Saint Albums, quizzing games and art projects!

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Catholic Crafts for August Saints and Feast Days

We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for August Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Immaculate Heart of Mary. Summer is a great time for a little extra crafting…so we also present Equipping Catholic Families…for Summer with the Saints!

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A Wonderful Resource for Catholic Families to celebrate the SAINTS every day of the year.

I do love the Saints and I’m very excited to introduce this wonderful resource about these holy heroes of our Faith!

Book Review: Saints: Becoming an Image of Christ Every Day of the Year

by Dawn Marie Beutner

Ignatius Press, 2020

548 pages

“The saints in this collection come from every period of Church history and all walks of life. They represent numerous countries, cultures, age groups, and vocations. They show us that holiness truly is a path open to anyone, and by their example and prayers they help us to follow it.”

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Book Review: Maximilian Kolbe: The Saint of Auschwitz

Maximilian Kolbe: The Saint of Auschwitz

by Jean-Francois Vivier (Author),  Denoel and Joel Costes (Illustrators)

Sophia Institute Press, 2019

This is a historical comic presenting the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe. He describes his Faith journey from the age of ten, to a fellow inmate in the concentration camp.

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A Look Inside Prompt Me to Pray

As many of you already know, I am just two short weeks away from receiving my new book about personal prayer and pursuing a personal relationship with Jesus! While I have created a number of prayer-based craft kits to facilitate fruitful prayer journaling and Sacrament Prep and to bolster family prayer, this book offers some practical tips and insight to make personal prayer a strong priority and consistent habit.

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5 Ways to Mean what you Pray: Jesus, I trust in You

Sometimes, praying “Jesus, I trust in You” feels empty and ineffective, or at best, like wishful thinking. When we pray “Jesus, I trust in You,” all the while coordinating our best backup plan just in case, we’re not actually trusting in Jesus, but in our own feeble strength or attempt to control.

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Prompt Me to Pray comes out in just a couple of weeks! PRE-Order deals!

Prompt Me to Pray by Monica McConkey presents practical tips for prayer that can be easily customized to fit our busy lives, habits, daily tasks, and even our struggles. Recognizing our littleness as an inexhaustible source of Prompts to Pray helps us to reach out humbly in prayer when we need Him most and reminds us that God can use all things for good.

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Equipping Catholic Families for Feast Days and the Monthly Devotion of JULY

We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for July Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Precious Blood of Jesus.

A video about the #1 Most Impressive Eucharistic Miracle by Fr. Mark Goring

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