Prayer Journal Prompts, Prayers and Pics

Last week, we quietly released a pretty awesome Craft Kit: Prayer Journal Prompts: Heart to Heart with Jesus

…we haven’t seen anything out there like it!

The PDF includes 134 prayer prompts, 24 classic prayers illustrated with Kelly Saints, 100+ color stickers and 60 BW Saint stickers to help you take ANY dollar store notebook and turn it into a customized Prayer Journal, just for you!

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Prayer Journal Prompts: Our First Ever Craft Kit…for Catholic Women!

We’re so excited to give you a sneak peek at our new…

Heart to Heart with Jesus:

Prayer Journal Prompts Craft Kit

Our first Cathletics Craft Kit designed for Catholic Women…and really anyone in the 14+ crowd who might like to prayer journal

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Feast Day Fun!

Gallery of Feast Day Fun posts, featuring the Kelly Saints and fun activities, crafts and family traditions to live Liturgically! Celebrate the Feast Days! These are our own heroes of our Catholic Faith!

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Accountability Journal Stamps for Lent!

Over the past few months we have launched our new product line of Prayer ImpressionsTM Journal Stamps!

Prayer ImpressionsTM  are quality Wooden-handled Rubber Stamps formatted to offer checklists and note-taking templates to transform prayer journals, calendars and Bible Journaling to reflect prayer, spiritual growth and healthy living. Transform the simplest of notebooks into a customized prayer journal or highlight insights or questions recorded in the margins of your Bible or favorite spiritual reading.

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Printables for a Prayerful Lent!

Super Cute Bible Tabs to get you flipping through the Bible from Catholic Icing.  I turned a soft cover Catholic Bible into a Hardcover  Bible and while I was at it, a Journaling Bible.

Easy as Abacus Stations of the Cross Just released last week! Kelly Saints Stations of the Cross on a wood frame Abacus, perfect for little fingers to keep track of the Stations!

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How on Earth can I have a personal relationship with God?

Recently, someone close to me asked “what is a personal relationship with Jesus?” after their first session of the Catholic Alpha course. I think it can be quite a foreign concept even if our practice of the Faith up to this point has been doing just what good Catholics do: going to Mass, saying the Rosary, frequent confession, daily prayer. I’m certainly no expert…I’m still learning even though I’ve been pursuing my personal relationship with Jesus for over 20 years!

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Equipping Catholic Families …for LENT!

Paper Chains, Prayer Abacus, Revolving Rosary, Stations of the Cross and Works of Mercy Carousel…just some of the Catholic Craft Kits we have …packed with prayer and our original Kelly Saints illustrations! Hands-on crafts to build up your family prayer!
Advent and Lent Quest Craft Kit:

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Easy as Abacus: Stations of the Cross

Easy as Abacus Stations of the Cross

PDF Download $7.50 

The Easy as Abacus Stations of the Cross kit offers prayers and clipart to customize a Stations of the Cross Abacus made from a Dollarstore square framed canvas. The strung Pony beads are perfect for little fingers to count the 14 Stations of the Cross.

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Book Binding for the Reconciliation Reader

Did you see the NEW Sacraments with the Saints Reconciliation Reader Craft Kit we launched yesterday?

It’s a 34 page booklet or carousel to help prepare for, celebrate and record the Sacrament of Reconciliation!

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ALL NEW!! Sacraments with the Saints: Reconciliation Reader!

We’re SO excited to release our brand new Sacraments with the Saints: Reconciliation Reader Craft Kit!

Sacraments with the Saints: Reconciliation Reader Craft Kit!

PDF Download: $15

The Reconciliation Reader: Sacraments with the Saints Craft Kit features fill-in-the-blanks and writing prompts for Baptism and Reconciliation: capturing what they have learned and what they’d like to remember! The 34-page Reader format is printed in black and white and easily embellished with full color Kelly SaintsTM clipart included in the kit.

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