Our Adventure in England!

Things have been a little quiet here at Equipping Catholic Families because I’ve been away on a trip to England and Ireland with my Mom, visiting my daughter Emily.

Emily is studying at Royal Holloway, University of London. And seriously…her residence room is in a tower of this incredible castle. I can see her room window in one of the turrets in this picture!

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DIY Heirloom Play Mass Set

It’s hard to believe that Adam is going to be seven this week!

Last year, I made a Play Mass kit for Adam…and I love the way it turned out!

I put a quick little ‘how-to’ craft kit for you with information for my favorite wood supply store…complete with an itemized purchase list to make it easy for you. See below…

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DIY Heirloom Child Chasuble

We made this Heirloom Play Mass Kit for Adam last year…

He was doing fine with his Play Mass Kit, but I decided to make him his own priest vestment…a Chasuble.

I bought a metre of no-wrinkle white fabric, some ribbon and some ribbon-sized heat bond (iron-on adhesive).

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The Passion (told by Adam)

So I found this audio mysteriously on my ipod. I vaguely remember Bridget recording Adam telling his version of The Passion.

This is totally unscripted.  I’m just sad that he no longer calls palm branches “pom poms”.

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Apostle Painted Saints

It has been a while since I crafted something, so this week I painted a set of Apostles as part of my #paintedsaint collection. They are the small ones…measuring just under 1 3/4″. They’re not perfect, because it’s difficult painting detail with toothpicks, but I think that that adds to their charm.

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NEW Divine Mercy Abacus with Novena Prayer Carousel!

We’ve added something to our line of Easy as Abacus Prayer Trackers! Check out the Divine Mercy Carousel…keeping the prayers for each day of the Novena all ready for you! Just in time for Good Friday…when the Divine Mercy Novena starts!

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Hands-On Holy Week!

Over the years, we have been creating and collecting cute kid crafts to help delve into the Liturgical Calendar and facilitate a Hands-On Holy Week!

Holy Week is the most important week of the whole year! Here’s a summary post of crafts you can make and reintroduce year after year… for this special week! Click on the links (or the pictures) for more details and picture tutorials!

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Prayer Journal Workshop

Our NEW Prayer Journal Prompts Craft Kit and Prayer Impressions Journal Stamps…are perfect to help you host a Prayer Journal Workshop with your favorite group of ladies!

10 Tips to Host your own Prayer Journal Workshop

  1. Prayer Journal Prompts Workshop PDF Craft Kit by Arma Dei, printed on label paper…Brilliant!

Workshop Tip: Purchase the Prayer Journal Prompts Workshop Kit that includes the Label Templates for use with YOUR group!

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What’s in Your Easter Basket?

We’ve got ideas and deals for your Easter Basket this year!

Super Saints include 54 unique Kelly Saints images along with quick and quantifiable facts for easy quizzing! Your family can play real card games with this deck…and learn a ton about your favorite Holy Heroes! See Super Saints Showdown (Top TrumpsTM)  and Super Saints Stats (Flashcards)  and HedbanzTM. Get a second set and play Go Fish!, Old Maid, Memory/Matching, or Sorting games!

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NEW! Holy Communion Reader Craft Kit

Sacraments with the Saints!

A few weeks ago we made our Reconciliation Reader: Sacraments with the Saints Craft Kit available as a PDF for you to share in the classroom or within your family.

We are pleased to show you this much anticipated

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