Did you WIN a Cathletics Craft Kit PDF just for filling out our Survey?

Thanks to all those who participated in our How best can we equip YOUR Catholic Family? Survey.

We were surprised by the awesome response!

We are so pleased with the feedback and eager to steer this website to meet your needs for equipping Catholic families!

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Summer Fun and Survey at Equipping Catholic Families

Summer has officially begun! We get a little bit of a late start up here in Canada but with school finished and just a few little week-long summer activities already started, we’re enjoying the sunny weather and the little-bit-lazy schedule!

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Why I Love My Catholic Faith

  1. The Eucharist. Just as we reminded ourselves on the Feast of Corpus Christi this past Sunday, we believe as Catholics that Jesus is present to us from the moment of Consecration when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, from the inside out. He is thus present in all the Tabernacles in all the Catholic Churches throughout the world and we can visit His Holy Presence almost any time we want.

2. Confession. What an incredible Sacrament this is! We receive the full Mercy of God through this Sacrament when we humble ourselves to confess our faults and failings to a priest, receive absolution, do penance and resolve to sin no more!

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#HPparty : Our 11year-old’s Hogwarts Orientation Party plus FREE Printable

Here at Equipping Catholic Families, we usually post about Catholic crafts, activities and traditions to help celebrate the Catholic Faith at home. As a family, we also happen to be avid Harry Potter fans….and epic backyard birthday party planners. This post shows how we combined the two (and made a 36-page FREE printable in the process). I know that some of my subscribers may not be big Harry Potter fans and I’m just hoping that you’ll consider reading this really great article  by Kendra at Catholic All Year before you post an angry or concerned comment about the dangers of Harry Potter.

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Summer School…with the SAINTS!

Want to do Summer School…with the SAINTS?

We’ve got craft kits that make learning about the Saints easy and fun! Purchase the SET for instant Saints Summer School! You’ll be able to make your own Ultimate Super Saints Reference Guide…on a ring! Enjoy the adorable Kelly Saints illustrations and quick facts to help choose your Family Patron Saints, Sacrament Saints…and take Superheroes to a holy new height!

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Exciting Announcement!

We’ve finally listed our products over at Amazon!

We’ve listed Super Saints on Amazon!

…Actually, we have listed 24 products over at Amazon!

If you are interested in helping us not look like Amazon newbies by leaving a 5 star rating and review on one of our products that you have purchased and enjoy, email us here with the link to the product with your review and we’ll give you a special 20%OFF code towards one of our Catholic Craft Kit PDFs available at our Arma Dei Shoppe!

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Holy Spirit Spinwheel for the Feast of Pentecost!

Check out our NEW and IMPROVED Holy Spirit Spinwheel for the upcoming Feast of Pentecost!

The Holy Spirit Spinwheel Kit offers 7 templates to create a paper spinner with Holy Spirit clipart and definitions for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Instructions and special tips are included.

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My Best Way to Pray

I tend to zone out a little watching the news and I absorb political news about as much as I retain medical details. Not very well.

I’m just not that opinionated. I have to push myself to be critical when writing book reviews and it takes me a little time to decide if I really like the movie I just saw..or maybe just the event of watching a movie in a big dark theatre and eating popcorn with quiet kids.

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Our Lady of Fatima: 100th Anniversary!

May 13th marks the 100th Anniversary of the first of Our Lady’s Appearances to three shepherd children in Fatima.

You can read about the Story of Fatima here including Our Lady’s messages and promises.

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Month of May: Month of Mary! Crafts and Activities inspired by Mother Mary and the Rosary!

We’re well into May! Here’s a quick picture summary of some of our favorite Rosary and Mary Crafts!

Our oversized wood bead Rosary is always a hit at the conferences we attend. This is a pretty simple craft made with wooden beads, a wooden cross and a wooden heart, acrylic paint and mod podge…and it’s one of the favorites in our book A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families!

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