Checkout our Cathletics Craft Kits, packed with Sacraments, Saints, Liturgical Seasons, Catechism and Prayer! Click on a Craft Kit to read more about it in its Featured Post!
A fresh way to prepare for the Sacraments! Scrapbook your way with our Kelly Saints and custom Catholic clipart, Catechism and Reflective prompts!
SAINTS Craft Kits
Packed with Kelly SaintsTM illustrations, these craft kits introduce our favorite heroes of our Faith into family life, classic games, Catholic crafts and research projects.
SEASONS Craft Kits
As Catholics, we have our own set of Seasons and these craft kits help us anticipate and celebrate them, infused with Saints, Catechism and Prayer!
Lent begins On March 5th this year!
Our Catholic Faith is so RICH! Learn Catechism the fun way with these classic games and crafts, converted to be Catholic!
PRAYERS Craft Kits
Innovative crafts to build your repertoire of prayers and keep little ones focused throughout classic devotions like the Rosary and the Divine Mercy!
We have a number of Birthday Party and other craft kit printables available. Check out FAMILY FUN in the top menu of Equipping Catholic Families while we work on adding them to the Craft Kit Gallery.
Cathletics Key Cards: Trinity Pack
Conversation Pieces with Saints and Sacraments
Catechism, Sacrament, Saints, Mass, Prayer and Family Fun!
Thank-you for supporting our family apostolate. Please respect the copyright of this material. With your purchase, you are welcome to download, save and print this document for one classroom (for one term) or for all the kids who live in your house.
Content MAY NOT be re-published in items for RESALE.
With your cooperation and future orders, we will continue to produce solid Catholic, fun learning products!
Welcome to Equipping Catholic Families!
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