In the last week, a customer asked me for some custom artwork. She asked if I could create 8″x10″ Super Saints prints of the three patron saints of her children. She plans to frame the images and hang them over each bed (or crib).
Beginner’s Guide to the Seven Sacraments
Guest Post by Laurel Whitworth
Christianity is one of the world’s largest religious groups, with nearly 2.5 billion people following one of its five major denominations—Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic. Roughly half of all worldwide Christians identify as Catholic, making it the largest of the Christian churches. That number continues to grow as worshippers share their faith and experiences with those across the globe and new members join local congregations. The Statistical Yearbook of the Church or Annuario Pontificio, released annually by Central Statistics Office of the Church, compiles data relating to the church’s demographics and trends, as well as contains a list of every diocese, Roman Curia office, and papal university in the world.
Feast Day Fun: St Gertrude
St Gertrude the Great (1256-1302) was a Benedictine mystic and she is patroness of the West Indies. She was born in Germany and placed in a Benedictine convent at the age of five. She had a vision of Jesus at the age of twenty-six. She wrote a number of books and many prayers, spreading devotion of the Sacred Heart. She is also credited with this special prayer for the souls in Purgatory. Jesus, Himself told her that He would ease the suffering of 1000 souls, release them from purgatory and welcome them into Heaven, each time this prayer is prayed devoutly!
Equipping Catholic Families with Advent Crafts & Family Traditions
The Feast of Christ the King is coming up! We’ve got a Craft Kit for that!
Easy as Abacus Divine Mercy plus Christ the King Novena
The Feast of Christ the King…is the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year,
Catholic Deals & Steals
About twice a year, we email all those who have purchased our Catholic Craft Kits, Books or Quizzing Cards to tell you about our latest Catholic Resources at Equipping Catholic Families….and a few awesome Catholic Deal$ that are just too good not to share!
Catholic Mom Bundle Advent 2018
This year, there are even MORE workbooks, printables, and eBooks in the Catholic Mom Bundle
and purchased separately, these 20 Catholic Resources would cost $246.
But for 5 days we’re selling all of these products as a bundle for only $25.
I’ve sifted through all 20 resources and my favorite SIX resources in the Bundle that I know I could dive right into this Advent are:
Prayer Transcripts: A New Kind of Prayer Journal!
How easy is it to forget the moments of Grace we’ve received in the past when the present flurry of activity and concerns are pressing in. The truth is that I have recorded these moments of grace, these soft and reassuring, concise and emboldening messages gently placed in my heart. They’re all carefully transcribed in various prayer journals. Each prayer journal was diligently filled over time
Equipping Catholic Families for November Saints!
Equipping Catholic Families for November Saints!
Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.
Hey, are you ready for the NEW Liturgical Calendar starting December 3rd?
We’ve got the NEW 2018-2019 Wall Calendar for Every Day Catholics and it includes November and December of 2018 plus all of 2019, illustrated with our unique Super Saints for Feast Days and Monthly Devotions plus a couple bonus templates for Catholic lists and logs!
Last Minute Saints Crafts and Deco!
Has All Saints Day snuck up on you this year? I’ve put together some easy last minute crafts you can put together without even leaving your house! These crafts use templates from our Saints Craft Kits in our Arma Dei shoppe. You can print out a couple copies at home and even laminate them for use next year and forever!
Top 20 Saints Books
These are the 20 Saints Books I pulled from my shelves. I love the Saints and I find that this collection of books has helped my whole family delve into the lives of the Saints, satisfy our research projects on the saints, choose our own patron saints and foster the love and devotion we have for them.