Interview on Say Yes to Holiness

Here’s my interview with Christina Semmens from Say Yes to Holiness. I’ve been blessed to get to know Christina through the release of her book this summer, and I’ve had the pleasure of working with her over at Smart Catholics and being a part of her
Book Study/Small Group.

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Equipping Catholic Families for Advent!

The Feast of Christ the King is coming! We’ve got a Craft Kit for that!

Easy as Abacus Divine Mercy plus Christ the King Novena is an easy-to-assemble Craft to keep track of prayers for the Novena of Christ the King as well as the Divine Mercy Chaplet!

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Review: Jesse Tree PDF by To Jesus Sincerely

I’ve seen Sara’s Mosaic Jesse Tree for years and I was so delighted when I discovered that she has made it available as a printable set!

Here it is in her shop: Printable Mosaic Jesse Tree

I eagerly printed the templates, wrote the numbers of the ornaments on the back in pencil, punched out the ornaments with a 1 1/2″ hole punch, laminated them and then punched them out again with the same whole punch. I know I can glue gun magnets to the back of them or punch a hole and tie a string tie, but I chose to stick them on the tree on this magnetic white board. Using the white board, I can make use of these adorable Little Drops of Water Saint Magnets and I suspect we might add little notes throughout Advent, written with the dry erase markers.

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Prompt Me to Pray…through ADVENT!

Prompt Me to Pray by Monica McConkey

Many of you joined us in our excitement this past summer with the release of my new book Prompt Me to Pray! We have been honored and humbled by incredible feedback from so many people across North America who have told us that this book has actually changed the way they pray!

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NEW Reviews: Prompt Me to Pray

Great news this morning! Prompt Me to Pray has just been awarded the Seal of Approval by the Catholic Writers Guild! What does that mean? Read all about it here!

and in other news about Prompt Me to Pray…

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Prompt Me to Pray was just awarded the Seal of Approval from the CWG!

The Catholic Writers Guild has awarded Prompt Me to Pray the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval!

The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is to help Catholic bookstores and venues in their determination of the Catholicity of a work. This reassurance from a professional organization can assist authors in marketing and promoting their works. Books are also judged by their editorial integrity as well. Books that are not professionally edited or publication-ready are not eligible for the Seal of Approval.

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NEW crafts with the Saint Stickies Craft Kit

The Calendar Saint Stickies Craft Kit has been around for a while and I’ve used it to embellish secular wall calendars and planners…and even add illustrations to some Catholic ones! There are 461 little illustrations of Saints….and Mysteries of the Rosary (that are Feast Days), plus little lists and logs for prayers and Sacraments!

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Equipping Catholic Families for November Saints Days!

Equipping Catholic Families for November Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

Hey, are you ready for the NEW Liturgical Calendar starting December 1st?

We’ve got the NEW 2020-2021 Wall Calendar for Every Day Catholics and it includes November and December of 2020 plus all of 2021, illustrated with our unique Super Saints for Feast Days and Monthly Devotions plus a couple bonus templates for Catholic lists and logs!

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All Saints Day Crafts and Decor!

Two of my favorite Feast Days are All Saints Day and the Feast of Christ the King! Both are coming up…with All Saints Day this Sunday and the Feast of Christ the King, 3 weeks after that!

I have offered Patron Saint Prints in the past…of any of the Saints within our Saint Scripts Craft Kit Collection.

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Saints Crafts and Activities!

Maybe THIS is the year that we can celebrate All Saints Day as I’ve always wished we would!
I think we need the saints NOW more than ever!

Saints Craft Kits

We have over 27 Saints-related Craft Kits at the Arma Dei Shoppe!

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