Living Liturgically in February!

Equipping Catholic Families for February Saints Days!

This is our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days, and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar. As our kids get older, our activities and commitment to Catholic crafts have changed and adjusted (at least for our last TEEN and young adult kids)! While we haven’t exactly been adding a lot of Catholic crafts around here, we do enjoy pulling out the crafts and programs we’ve developed over the years, sometimes sharing them with younger families in our parish!

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Family Plan for Consistent Prayer: 2025

Something that has become more and more apparent as my kids one-by-one enter adulthood, is that while my vocation as Mom never ends, it does change! I remember those days of mothering with littles running around the house. They needed me for the physical things; food, drink, shelter, safety, comfort, and clothing, and they were learning so much in terms of basic skills and interests, subjects at school, and picking up prayers, Bible stories and beliefs of our Catholic Faith.

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Jesus, I want what You want

It’s yet another new season of motherhood for me!

My eldest daughter Emily just got married a few days ago! My next daughter Kelly gets married next summer!  My eldest son, Joseph is a brand-new engineering grad, my youngest daughter Bridget has just started University and the youngest of my five kids, Adam, just started high school!

My role as hero-support is changing

With their increasing independence, my role as hero-support is changing too. Sometimes it’s a little bit of tug-a-war. They’re grasping for more independence, but sometimes still huddling close for the comfort of reassurance or a helping hand.

For the most part, I’m excited to help them! I particularly enjoy contributing where my gifts coincide. Throughout the prep time for this last wedding, I was confident in my ability to tackle creative projects, coordinating Kelly’s artwork with Emily’s passion for the wedding theme and the ensuing complexity.

My heart feels different some days. I love it when they come to me for my perspective, but sometimes it stings when they reject it, but still rely on me to make their way work.

Sometimes I’m torn, trying to meet the needs of one of my adult kids, while called and stretched to meet the needs of another.

I can get preoccupied trying to over-plan, anticipate glitches, and take precautions to help things go smoothly for multiple grown-up kids at a time. Their needs and their plans are adult ones and the urgency of their needs often takes priority over my own.

And getting to know them as they mature in their beliefs and hopes and Faith is an honor! We’re still learning from each other, all of us so heavily influenced by our personal experiences.

My husband and I are called upon, often in very different situations for the unique perspective and support we can each give them. When we reflect and talk things through together, my husband and I can form an even clearer picture of the amazing and fascinating young adults our children have become!

We strive to streamline our response: to pray

While we don’t always have the answers to give them in the moment, and our responses are often strikingly more articulate hours or days after difficult conversations, we strive to streamline our response: to pray. We pray together with them and with each other and our most important advice to them should always be to reach out in prayer directly to Jesus.

Our circumstances, relationships, interaction and peace of mind can be ever-changing, but Jesus remains constant.

We are once again reminded that Jesus loves them even more than we parents do. He knows the intricacies and implications way beyond what we know. He knows exactly what is to come and how it will impact their souls.

He wants the best thing for each one of us.

It’s yet another new season of motherhood for me, and incidentally yet another opportunity for a new prompt to pray!

New Prompt to Pray

Every time I begin getting overwhelmed, tempted to worry, and tugged into the familiar habit of over-planning, anticipating what could possibly go wrong, and pre-emptive troubleshooting, I am prompted to pray:

Jesus, I want what You want.

Please soften my heart and all of our hearts to pursue Your Blessed Will. read more...for Equipping Catholic Families!

St. Benedict, Teach Us to Pray

St. Benedict (480-547) rejected wealth and worldliness and became a hermit. He then founded 12 monasteries and wrote The Rule of St. Benedict requiring prayer, spiritual reading, manual labor, obedience and the development of hospitality, medical, educational and agricultural skills.

St. Benedict taught about Prayer in The Rule. He recommended specific times throughout the day and night for study and prayer, often as a community: reading, teaching, memorizing and singing passages of Scripture. Other times of private, personal prayer were certainly also recommended for a deep and intimate prayer life and relationship with God.

St. Benedict recommended a balanced lifestyle of work and prayer, and living simply. He insisted that we should pray as we begin to work and as we work, with humility and reverence.

From various writings of St. Benedict on prayer, I think the most unique and specific approach to prayer was his recommended practice of prayer and work simultaneously. St. Benedict steered away from compartmentalizing these two fundamental aspects and practices so that one did not interrupt the other, and by consistently praying during work, study, rest, and while serving others, one could truly pray unceasingly.

Summary Sticky-Note

To make it easier to understand and keep it straight from the teaching on Prayer of other Saints and Theologians I have been studying, I put together a little Summary Sticky-Note and compiled my notes on St. Benedict’s Writings on Prayer including ‘prayer-requisites’ and Prompts to Pray, based primarily on The Rule of St. Benedict and his other writings summarized in this book: Augustine on Prayer by Fr. Thomas Hand

St. Benedict also spoke about the necessity of humility, reverence, silence, Scripture, perseverance, and continuity in this prayer from the heart.



Prompt Me to Pray!

And St. Benedict even had a specific Prompt to Pray as he lived at the Monastery of Monte Cassino!
More info in the St. Benedict PDF Note Bundle.


I will be adding over 30 PDF Note Bundles gradually to this NEW

Saints’ MasterClass on Prayer Series over at Arma Dei!

Saints Prayer Master Class:
St. Augustine PDF Note Bundle

Following a brief introduction of St. Benedict and his teaching on Prayer, I present Prayer-Requisites: important virtues, dispositions, and practices for personal prayer, based on the Key Writings of St. Benedict.

Each PDF Note Bundle includes a Summary Sticky-Note, along with insights into prayer and how St. Benedict might prompt us to pray.


St. Benedict might prompt us to pray:


Prompt me to pray without ceasing, St. Benedict.

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We WON The Catholic Best Prayer Book Vote

We are so excited to announce that we WON the Catholic Best Prayer Book 2024!

It is such an honor to be mentioned in the same list as Fr. Jacques Philippe, Brother Lawrence, and Fr. Alphonsus Liguori!

a HUGE THANK YOU to all those of you who took the time to vote for Prompt Me to Pray!
We are so encouraged by this WIN and it’s prompting us to continue with new Catholic products hopefully launching later this summer! Thank you!

We are ESPECIALLY excited for the opportunity to let people know about this very special book.

It’s a practical guide to more consistent, heartfelt prayer…for people of all ages! From the Confirmation candidate, to the University student seeking balance in work, study, and prayer, and to the Mom, whose life of serving little kids IS sanctifying prayer (but she could use a boost and some encouragement). The book is a great PROMPT for anyone seeking a more consistent, heartfelt prayer life and deeper relationship with Jesus.

CELEBRATE WITH US, by recommending Prompt Me to Pray to your favorite priest, prayer group leader, teacher, mom, Sacrament (or RCIA) candidate, school library or your own FAMILY.

Take advantage of our special deal to BUY ONE, get ONE FREE to give to your pastor or prayer group leader.

Make sure there are TWO copies of Prompt Me to Pray in your cart
and use the code: freebie4priest or freebie4prayergroup
to get one of the copies for FREE!

Also, check out our SHOPPE for #smalloverprime

While Amazon hosts Prime Day on July 11-12th,
we will be posting deals on our craft kits, this week, July 9-12 and extending our deal to get a FREE Prayer Book with the Purchase of Prompt Me to Pray or Super Saints Quizzing Cards!

from The Catholic Best

Our Winner: Prompt Me to Pray:
A Practical Plan for More Consistent Prayer from the Heart

by Monica McConkey

Prompt Me to Pray by Monica McConkey presents practical tips for prayer that can be easily customized to fit our busy lives, habits, daily tasks, and even our struggles. Recognizing our littleness as an inexhaustible source of Prompts to Pray helps us to reach out humbly in prayer when we need Him most and reminds us that God can use all things for good. The book features different approaches to heartfelt prayer including journaling and praying out loud, both spontaneous and classic prayers. It also includes journaling pages with specific writing prompts and prayers to customize your own personal plan for prayer, and a prayer vault of classic prayers and templates of full color pocket prayer prompts.

Our Runners Up!

Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart – Father Jacques Philippe

The Practice of the Presence of God – Brother Lawrence

Other Notable Submissions

I Believe in Love – Fr. Jean C. J. d’Elbée

Talking With God – St. Alphonsus Liguori

Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love

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Last Minute LENT Print-and-Pray Craft Kits

Have you thought of what you’d like to do for Lent this year?

Giving up something, adding a prayerful devotion, donating money or time for the needs of the poor?

Here are a couple links to print-and-pray craft kits that are EASY to adopt for a prayerFULL LENT, even if it’s totally LAST MINUTE!

Project: Prompt Me to Pray Craft Kit

This prayer-packed craft kit offers prayer prompt cards that can be strategically placed around your house to get the whole family praying more, from the heart!

Project: Prompt Me to Pray Craft Kit 
$12.00 PDF Download


Lent Challenge Calendar Craft Kit

The Lent Challenge Calendar offers black and white templates to help you
GIVE, PRAY and LOVE throughout the 40 days of Lent!
$10.00 PDF Download




Hands-On Prayer Counters

The Hands-On Lenten Pack of Prayers Craft Kit includes coloring pages for the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary and the Divine Mercy along with specific prayer counter tools for each of the classic devotions including: Stations of the Cross Spinwheel, Rosary Prayer Counter, Divine Mercy Prayer Counter. Once laminated, the craft templates accommodate both lace-up and dry erase (coloring) prayer counting. The kit also includes 17 illustrated prayer cards including classic prayers as well as Lenten prayers for the Days of the Week.

$15.00 PDF Download


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Launch: {Project: Prompt Me to Pray} New Craft Kit

Here is the proper launch for my NEWEST Craft Kit PDF!

I’m just trying to make it EASIER for all of us to pray unceasingly, from the heart.
My book talks about how we can customize our prompts to pray to fit our unique circumstances, daily routine, habits, and quirks, and now I’ve created a craft kit that can help you implement these habit-forming prayer prompts in your life!

Family of Birds; One Stone

No intention of hurting any birds, but if you place these prayer prompt cards around your house, your other family members might customize these same cards to their unique circumstances, daily routines, habits, and quirks.



Imagine each member of your family discovering a carefully placed prayer prompt card on the fridge, the bathroom mirror, or the inside of the front door at eye level. They might at least spark some conversation about prayer and could even become this year’s Lenten practice.

This is one of those practical prayer prompt ideas that can influence others, even visitors to your home, without you saying a word.

And if it does spark curiosity, and you’re asked about these little prayer prompt cards, you’ve got an opportunity to talk about prayer! You can remind them that prayer can be a simple conversation with God, inviting Him into every task, challenge or blessing of each day!


There is also a template of completely customizable prayer prompt cards to customize for those specific intentions, close to our hearts.



Every day, we face chores, tasks, challenges or pain that we’d rather not experience, but we can offer them up for a special intention, even for the person we are serving by completing the task.

We can use these prayer prompts to remind us to rely on Jesus when we’re struggling, to focus our prayer on the intentions of our hearts, to be thankful for everything that goes well in our lives, and to recognize our sins and express how sorry we are.

We can take a whole collection of cues, our daily to-do list, or even the inevitable distractions and turn them into prompts to pray.

These prayer prompt cards are physical reminders to pray more often throughout the rhythm of our lives, to recognize God’s Presence along with us at each moment and to pray unceasingly and let this developing prayer habit influence what we do and what we say, and what and how often we pray.

Willing to give Project: Prompt Me to Pray a try?

The Project: Prompt Me to Pray is a practical set of 24 (plus 6 formatted and customizable) Prayer Prompt Cards to be strategically placed around your home, work, car, and school to help us all pray without ceasing (Thessalonians 5:17) from the heart.

Many of the prayers are classic prayers Catholics have been saying for years.

Short Dart Prayers

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Project: Prompt Me to Pray! >NEW< Craft Kit

Project: Prompt Me to Pray
Project: Prompt Me to Pray MORE
Project: Prompt Me to Pray MORE from the HEART

I’ve just finished creating this NEW Prayer-packed Craft Kit available as a PDF!

The Project: Prompt Me to Pray is a practical set of 24 (plus 6 formatted and customizable) Prayer Prompt Cards to be strategically placed around your home, work, car, and school to help us all pray without ceasing (

Thessalonians 5:17)

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Prompt Me to Pray through Easter


Prompt Me to Pray through EASTER is the next special guide to help apply the practical plan for consistent prayer from the heart of Monica’s newly released book Prompt Me to Pray to the Seasons, the Saints, and the Sacraments! We’re looking at the unique circumstances and graces available in these Catholic moments and mentored by these Catholic heroes to build the habit of prayer through extra timely
Prompts to Pray! 


Prompt Me to Pray through EASTER journeys through the 50 days of Easter, including Divine Mercy Sunday, the Ascension of Jesus, and ending on the Solemnity of Pentecost. It’s a 44-page booklet with scripture, illustrations, and prayer prompts offering dispositions or practices for deeper prayer.

Reflections include:

  • Grateful Unshakeable Joy
  • Abiding in His Presence
  • Courageous Vulnerability
  • Trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus
  • Humble Surrender
  • Bold Confidence in God’s Love
  • Enkindled with Extravagant Grace
  • read more...for Equipping Catholic Families!

    Prompt Me to Pray through LENT

    Prompt Me to Pray through Lent

    read more...for Equipping Catholic Families!

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