ALL NEW! Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS Craft Kit

This has been a labor of love! No really!

I have just released the NEW Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS Craft Kit for a brand NEW Lenten Devotion based on The Way of the Cross.

Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS PDF

The Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS PDF  includes 14 full-page illustrated Way of the Cross Stations with Fasting, Almsgiving and Prayer Challenges, to cycle through the hours of Ash Wednesday or Good Friday, OR to cycle through each day of Lent.

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Lenten Challenge Calendar for year after year!

Instant PRINT and PRAY Lent Calendar available for DOWNLOAD!

This Catholic Craft Kit offers black and white templates to help you GIVE, PRAY and LOVE through the days of Lent (year after year!), with:

-one double-sided letter-sized (8.5″x11″)  calendar of Lenten Practices

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NEW! Sacred Supper: A Christian Guide to the Jewish Seder Supper

Sacred Supper: A Christian Guide to the Jewish Seder Supper is a 24-page illustrated booklet presenting the significance of this Jewish Tradition while drawing connections and insights from a Christian perspective.

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Craft Kits for SACRAMENTS, Saints, Seasons, Catechism and Prayer!

Checkout our Cathletics Craft Kits, packed with  Sacraments, Saints, Liturgical Seasons, Catechism and Prayer! Click on a Craft Kit to read more about it in its Featured Post!


A fresh way to prepare for the Sacraments! Scrapbook your way with our Kelly Saints and custom Catholic clipart, Catechism and Reflective prompts!

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Living Liturgically in February!

Equipping Catholic Families for February Saints Days!

This is our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days, and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar. As our kids get older, our activities and commitment to Catholic crafts have changed and adjusted (at least for our last TEEN and young adult kids)! While we haven’t exactly been adding a lot of Catholic crafts around here, we do enjoy pulling out the crafts and programs we’ve developed over the years, sometimes sharing them with younger families in our parish!

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Equipping Catholic Families for January Saints!

Equipping Catholic Families for January 2025 Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

Key Feast Days in January:

He’s still a little BABY! Sock Baby Jesus can still hang around in his crib as we bask in the Baptism of the Lord (January 12) and await the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd.

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November Saints Days and Devotions

Equipping Catholic Families for November Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days, and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

 Hey, are you ready for the NEW Liturgical Calendar starting December 1st?

We’ve got the NEW 2024-2025 Wall Calendar for Every Day Catholics
Each month has illustrated Saints Days, Solemnities and Monthly Devotions, fasting Fridays and classic monthly prayers and devotions

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September Saints and Saint Bucks

Celebrate the SAINTS this AUGUST!

We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for August Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Immaculate Heart of Mary. Summer is a great time for a little extra crafting…so we also present Equipping Catholic Families…for Summer with the Saints!

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St Augustine, Teach Us to Pray

St. Augustine (354AD-430AD) was the son of St. Monica.
He spent many years living an immoral life, and renouncing Christianity. By the prayers of his mother and through the influence of St. Ambrose, he converted and became a theologian, philosopher, and the Bishop of Hippo, Roman North Africa.

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