Equipping Catholic Families for Ordinary Time

Immediately following the Solemnity of Pentecost last Sunday, we are officially launched into Ordinary Time! This longer of the two periods of Ordinary Time in the Liturgical Calendar takes us through the whole summer and fall and ends on the Feast of Christ the King; the last Sunday before Advent and the new Liturgical Calendar begins.

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Equipping Catholic Families for June Saints, Solemnities and Sacraments!

Equipping Catholic Families with crafts and activities to celebrate Mother Mary!

We’re already in the second week of May! Here’s a quick picture summary of some of our favorite Rosary and Mary Crafts!

Our oversized wood bead Rosary has always been a hit at the conferences we attend. This is a pretty simple craft made with wooden beads, a wooden cross and a wooden heart, acrylic paint and mod podge…and it’s one of the favorites in our book A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families*

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Equipping Catholic Families for May Saints and Celebrations!

Join us to celebrate May Saints, the Monthly Devotion dedicated to Our Blessed Mother Mary and the continued joyful season of Easter! Do you see something you like? Click on the pictures and/or links for easy crafts and already-formatted Catholic Craft Kits that come with permission to copy for home use, year after year!

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Equipping Catholic Families for 50 Days of Easter!

Alleluia! He has Risen!

This is our summary post of sustainable celebration for all 50 days of Easter including non-chocolate surprises and treats for plastic eggs and awesome Catholic crafts and family traditions!

We’re just recovering from a FLU-filled Holy Week…sorry for the delay in this post!

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Equipping Catholic Families for April SAINTS

Equipping Catholic Families for April Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.

Equipping Catholic Families…for Holy Week and Easter will be coming soon!

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Equipping Catholic Families…to live liturgically this LENT!

Can you believe that Ash Wednesday is just next week? Every year I start off in pursuit of the best Lent evaa (queue any one of my kids quoting Matt Kelly) and I start out with resolutions for giving up things, taking on things and elaborate programs for my kids. This year will be no different, although I feel a little better prepared!

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Equipping Catholic Families with a NEW Hands-On Prayer-packed Craft Kit for LENT!

So, even though I have 50 Cathletics Craft Kits in my Arma Dei Shoppe, it’s hard to believe that I don’t actually have one craft kit dedicated to LENT!  Well, that is, until NOW!

Hands-On Lenten Pack of Prayers

This craft kit focuses mainly on the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet and offers more inventive ways to get kids hands-on praying! Prayers are counted as beads are colored or laced up with a shoelace! Our Super Saints illustrations are kid-friendly and enticing and help to focus our prayers just a little bit more! Plus, they’re just fun to look at!

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Equipping Catholic Families…to live liturgically all year long!

Book Review: The Catholic All Year Compendium by Kendra Tierney

With Lent beginning in just a little over two weeks, this is an excellent time to order your copy of The Catholic All Year Compendium* if you haven’t purchased it already!

Catholic All Year Compendium  is available at Ignatius Press or Amazon*.

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Equipping Catholic Families for FEBRUARY Saints, Monthly Devotion and Ordinary Time!

Equipping Catholic Families for February Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar. As our kids get older, our activities and commitment to Catholic crafts has changed and adjusted (at least for our tween, teen and young adult kids)! While we haven’t exactly been adding a lot of Catholic crafts around here, we do enjoy pulling out the crafts and programs we’ve developed over the years, sometimes sharing them with younger families in our parish!

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