Advent is SHORT this year!
Advent will start on December 3rd and Christmas Eve is the 4th Sunday of Advent, so the season of Advent is as short as it can be!
Do you have your Advent Candles yet? Amazon Affiliate link: here
With Advent approaching, it’s time to introduce the Advent Catholic Mom Bundle, packed with print-and-go resources to make it easy to live liturgically this year!
Jesse Tree / O Antiphon Calendar 2023
…because the first Sunday of Advent falls between November 27th-December 3rd, the official Advent Calendar can look different every year (for 7 years!)
This year, Advent begins on December 3rd, so it’s the shortest Advent possible. The last Sunday of Advent is also Christmas Eve!
Want to Shop Catholic this year?
I’m aware that some people manage to finish their Christmas Shopping before Advent even starts! I’m in awe.
This year, much as every other year, I’ll probably be racing to the last minute to purchase and wrap all our gifts for our family and friends. How about purchasing some gifts that help spark and build our Catholic Faith? With the following Catholic Gift Guides, you can even support Small Catholic Businesses, while you’re at it.
November Saints Days
Equipping Catholic Families for November Saints!
Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days, and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar.
Hey, are you ready for the NEW Liturgical Calendar starting December 1st?
We’ve got the NEW 2023-2024 Wall Calendar for Every Day Catholics and it actually started September 1st, so it has all of upcoming Advent, plus all of 2024, illustrated with our unique Super Saints for Feast Days and Monthly Devotions plus a couple bonus templates for Catholic lists and logs! Each month has illustrated Saints Days, Solemnities and Monthly Devotions, fasting Fridays and classic monthly prayers!
Reconciliation Refresher Craft Kit (Ages 7-99)
Has it been 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years or 20 years since your last confession?
We’ve got a NEW Craft Kit for that!
Whether it’s been a while and you’re wondering if you remember what to say in the confessional…or if you just went to reconciliation last week but suspect you need to go again, for the exact same sins, we’ve got a new Catholic printable to help you return to this most precious Sacrament!
Saints Crafts, Cards + Stamps for All Saints Day!
We’re MIDWAY through October and that means ALL SAINTS DAY is just TWO weeks away!
We’ve got crafts, activities, and prizes for that!
First, a special DEAL:
Saint Scripts Craft Kits offer full color postcards
and black and white research templates of your FAVORITE Saints!
October Feast Day Fun
Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions for October Saints, the Monthly Devotion of the Rosary, and organized and prayerful Ordinary Time!
I think October is my favorite month for Saints with my favorites St. Therese and St. John Paul II. See the time we stood up the Pope
September Saints Days: Feast Day Fun!
We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for September Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Seven Sorrows of Mary…along with various Catholic Crafts and Saint Calendar kits to ease our way Back to School!
Up here in Canada, we are just getting Back to School…so we’re launching a Back to School Special (code: catchacraftkit2023 ) in the Arma Dei Shoppe to cheer that up!
Get $5 OFF your next Cathletics Craft Kit PDF!
*Special SALE applies to the purchase of PDF craft kits only. Sale ends September 15th.
Books, cards, journal stamps not included within the $25 minimum purchase.
10 Tips Fostering Everyday Holiness and Happiness in the Home
So, we’re about half-way through the longest liturgical season, so unfortunately named Ordinary Time.
But Catholic living can add so much richness to our everyday life and celebrating our Faith and family culture can be an active pursuit all year long! Here are ten ideas to foster your own family culture…while integrating the richness of our Catholic Faith with Saints, Sacraments, Scripture, Catechism and Prayer!