Equipping Catholic Families for Holy Week at Home

With the reality of restrictions on our public Masses, we’re all trying to figure out how to celebrate liturgies of Holy Week meaningfully at home.

Our Directory of Live-Streamed and On-Demand Masses: Homilies at Home


Equipping Catholic Families with Holy Week Crafts


Prompt Me to Pray through Holy Week PDF


$5 PDF Download*

contains Holy Week section of Prompt Me to Pray through Lent


Prompt Me to Pray through Easter Booklet and PDF will be released THIS WEEK!

It is a 44-page booklet of reflections, Scripture-based illustrations and prayer prompts to dig EVEN DEEPER into prayer, focusing on:

  • Grateful, Unshakeable Joy
  • Abiding in His Presence
  • Courageous Vulnerability
  • Trust in the Divine Mercy of Jesus
  • Humble Surrender
  • Bold Confidence in God’s Love
  • Enkindles with Extravagant Grace

Contact Monica for ordering info

How to celebrate Holy Week in the Domestic Church from Epic Pew

Symbolic Holy Week and Easter Cookbook (PDF) from Catholic Icing


Do you have a Journal?

Here’s a Printable Walk Through Holy Week Journal available through toJesussincerely.com


Palm Sunday

Palms and Passion Narrative

No worries…PALMS from PAST YEARS are still BLESSED! You can wave them around as you watch the Live-Stream Palm Sunday Mass or if you prefer a craft: FREE Printable Palm from Catholic Icing

In addition to the live-streamed liturgy: enact a Passion Play!



Other Palm Sunday Crafts at Catholic Icing

Chrism Mass

On Thursday (or another day before Easter) the bishop blesses the oils in the cathedral.

Do you have Holy Water at home?


Easter Triduum

Holy Thursday

We remember the Passover feast of the Jewish people and the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples when we celebrate the Eucharist this evening. Before he offers himself on the cross, Jesus takes bread and says, “This is my body.” He takes a cup of wine and says “This is my blood of the new covenant shed to save all sinners. Do this in memory of me.” We obey him each time we come together to celebrate the Eucharist.

The Holy Thursday Liturgy usually includes:

  • Washing of the feet
  • Communion under both forms
  • Procession
  • Adoration

In addition to the live-streamed liturgy: Celebrate the Seder Supper at Home!


The Seder Supper Printable offers the basic ingredients, significance and text of the Seder Supper meal…for Christians.

While our Seder Supper Printable has been very popular, it has sparked some controversy about whether or not Catholics should celebrate the Seder Supper.

I found this article written by Joe Paprocki to be very helpful!

Holy Thursday Crafts at Catholic Icing

Good Friday

Good Friday is a day of abstinence and fasting: small meatless meals, little or no screens or secular entertainment. This is a day of prayer and meditation and usually a liturgy at 3pm (the time of our Lord’s death on the cross).

The Good Friday Liturgy usually includes:

  • solemn proclamation of Jesus’ passion according to John
  • prayer for the world and for God’s people, the Church.
  • veneration of the cross
  • communion service without the full liturgy of the Eucharist (consecrated hosts reserved from Holy Thursday Mass)

In addition to the live-streamed liturgy:

Pray the Stations of the Cross at Home and start the Divine Mercy Novena!

Recite the Good Friday Prayer 33 times between the hours of 1-3pm

and enact a Passion Play today!


Stations of the Cross Craft Kit includes four sets of templates to make a Carousel, Accordion Book, Votive Candles and more!


The Easy as Abacus Stations of the Cross Kit includes the Divine Mercy Novena Prayers and Pics which starts today on Good Friday!






Good Friday Traditions at Catholic Icing

Holy Saturday

This is the day that the Body of Jesus was left in the guarded tomb and the disciples went into hiding.

We continue our paschal fast and avoid secular entertainment and distractions.

Easter Vigil

Holy Saturday Evening

  • Light service. After the blessing of the new fire, the priest lights the Easter candle representing Jesus’ Resurrection: He is the Light of the World
  • Liturgy of the word. Nine readings from God’s word lead us from creation through God’s saving works to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. We reflect on the word and respond by singing psalms.
  • Homily
  • Christian initiation. Catechumens profess their Faith and are initiated into the Church through Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.
  • The whole congregation renews their baptismal promises and are sprinkled with Holy water. This is our baptismal anniversary!
  • Eucharist

In addition to the live-streamed liturgy: have a bonfire in your backyard!

Jesus has risen and He is the Light of the World!

Easter Sunday

  • Easter Sunday Mass: Alleluia! He is risen!

In addition to the live-streamed liturgy:

Have the much anticipated Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Brunch!

Equipping Catholic Families with Easter Crafts

Easter Story Cookies  and Easter Crafts at Catholic Icing

Easter Season

The Easter Season extends for 50 days! We celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection and how His Sacrifice and Death earned salvation for the rest of us. We celebrate His Ascension when He is reunited with the Father in Heaven and we prepare for Pentecost when all of His Disciples are empowered by the Holy Spirit!

Equipping Catholic Families for the 50 Days of Easter

Equipping Catholic Families for April Saints Days


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