Prompt Me to Pray by Monica McConkey presents practical tips for prayer that can be easily customized to fit our busy lives, habits, daily tasks, and even our struggles. Recognizing our littleness as an inexhaustible source of Prompts to Pray helps us to reach out humbly in prayer when we need Him most and reminds us that God can use all things for good.
Monica shares the Prompts to Pray that she has discovered as she pursues consistent, heartfelt prayer and a personal relationship with Jesus.
Here’s what others are saying about Prompt Me to Pray by Monica McConkey
It is an irrefutable truth that the new evangelization in our time
“depends in great part on the Church of the home.” (St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 52).
Monica McConkey has been equipping Catholic families with creativity, fidelity, and fun for decades.
This little book is another gem in that arsenal! It is both simple in presentation and profound in content.
But be forewarned … it could change your life,
and the life of your domestic Church, in powerful and beautiful ways!
~Bishop Scott McCaig, C.C.
Military Ordinariate of Canada
So good and so well written! I am so proud of you for persevering in this “little way” and so humbly sharing your journey. I am sure it will touch many hearts.
It has already touched mine.
~Fr. Roger Vandenakker,
General Superior of the Companions of the Cross
If you long for a deeper spiritual life and a more vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, Monica McConkey’s wonderful work Prompt Me to Pray is the perfect companion for your journey. By presenting practical prompts to pray, Monica provides a framework to help us encounter God’s presence not only in special moments of formal prayer but in the tiny tasks that fill our busy lives. Phenomenal!
~Lisa Hendey, Founder of and author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms, The Handbook for Catholic Moms and The Grace of Yes
This is a wonderful book showing that searching for God and the ability to live in His Presence is an indispensable goal in the spiritual life.
~Fr. Leslie Tamas
The Holy Spirit has certainly been inspiring you with excellent prompt ideas that are really practical aids to prayer and the presence of God. I am sure it would be of genuine help to all Mothers.
~Fr. Michael Hughes
I was moved by both her honesty with her struggles in the prayer life, and even more so by her determination to persevere in her growth in holiness.
~Robert LeBlanc,
author of Who Do You Say That I Am?
There is true genius in that little book. Evidently the Holy Spirit inspired your intellect to write it. It also revealed to me the depth of your spirituality — so deep that it made me almost envious.
~Bruce Orr
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Oh my goodness, so exciting!
Wow. Can’t wait to read it.
Thanks, Emily! I can’t wait for you to read it too! =)