Prayer Transcripts: A New Kind of Prayer Journal!

How easy is it to forget the moments of Grace we’ve received in the past when the present flurry of activity and concerns are pressing in. The truth is that I have recorded these moments of grace, these soft and reassuring, concise and emboldening messages gently placed in my heart. They’re all carefully transcribed in various prayer journals. Each prayer journal was diligently filled over time

and now sits buried in a box.

I believe that those messages and prayers are real. They’re real Prayer Transcripts: little snippets and quotes placed in my heart, nurturing my relationship with Jesus. They are words I have received in a quiet moment of prayer or spiritual reading, hopefully heavily infused with the Holy Spirit. There are also words I have spoken in heartfelt prayer, hopefully also infused with the Holy Spirit. They are the Living Word of Scripture that speaks to us poignantly and excerpts from spiritual reading (including wisdom imparted from the saints and theologians). They can pierce us in the heart and move us in our own circumstances.

I’ve decided to collect them all in a new kind of prayer journal. I am scrapbooking them together with favorite holy images, screen shots of Scripture word art, words from the saints and religious art. I’m slowly sorting through past prayer journals for just those words that are highlighted and circled, because they continue to speak to my heart.

Those words remind me of the living relationship I’m in with Jesus; they highlight the tiniest little insight I’ve been blessed to receive or those moments when His continuous Message finally got through.

I just realized that I don’t want to bury those messages deep in storage… in that box full of doggy-eared, scrawled-in journals. By reviewing and collecting those messages and layering them over time in one scrapbooked journal, I can relive those moments of closeness and consolation and draw from them when my prayer life gets a little distracted or dry.

I’ve been collecting religious artwork, Scripture and Saints Quotes Word Art on my Prayerbook Board on Pinterest, screenshots from Instagram and formatting favorite scripture and prayers (even from my own prayer journals) on favorite photos I’ve taken.

Leave a comment if you think that this might be something you’d like to do!

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