Bundle of Printables in time for LENT!

I know, it’s crazy to think that Lent begins in just over TWO WEEKS! Some of us just took down our Nativity last weekend on the Feast of the Presentation!

Do you ever get a little overwhelmed when you consider what you’re going to do for Lent at your house? I’ve got some good news for you.

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Cyber Small Biz: St Anthony Find Us a Deal

Purchase a couple Saints, Sacraments, Catechism or Prayer-packed Craft Kit PDFs (minimum spend $39), get $13 OFF!

That’s 33% OFF!

Use the code: StAnthonyFindUsADeal at our shoppe:


Expires at midnight on Cyber Monday November 26th!

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Catholic Deals & Steals

About twice a year, we email all those who have purchased our Catholic Craft Kits, Books or Quizzing Cards to tell you about our latest Catholic Resources at Equipping Catholic Families….and a few awesome Catholic Deal$ that are just too good not to share!

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Equipping Catholic Families…with awesome resources for Catholic Moms!

Sorry, the Catholic Mom Bundle is no longer available …but stay tuned for the first ever Easter Catholic Mom Bundle as Lent and Easter approach…

I am participating in the first ever CatholicMomBundle of awesome Catholic resources available for this week only! You will see my Special Edition Prayer Journal Prompts and Prayers craft kit among the 12 e-books, smartphone wallpapers and mom and marriage e-courses.

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Back to School Craft Kit Sale 2017

Craft Kit Sale! Spend $40 in Craft Kit PDFs for the new school year…get $10 OFF! Use code: BTS2017

Choose from Saint, Sacrament, Catechism, Liturgical Calendar, Mass and Prayer Craft Kits! Already researched and formatted, information-packed craft kits are ready to print. All you need: scissors, pencil crayons and glue*! Limited permission to copy is included with the kit!

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SUBSCRIBE for FREE Catholic Crafts and Family Traditions!