Prompt Me to Pray through Holy Week

Prompt Me to Pray through Holy Week journeys through the last week of the Public Ministry of Jesus, through The Last Supper, His Suffering and Death on the Cross, through to His Resurrection. Each of the 8 days, offers an illustrated Prompt to Pray.  We reflect on a Scriptural account of what Jesus did and taught, explore the virtue He exemplifies, and receive a Prompt to Pray, more consistently and from the heart!

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The Symbolic Holy Week and Easter Cookbook by Catholic Icing {Review}

Lacy at Catholic Icing has just released another AWESOME resource! It’s a Cookbook with 10 Holy Week Recipes and 11 Easter Recipes: a total of 23 kid-friendly and meaningful recipes including a Symbolic Easter Tea, chock full of tasty and meaningful snacks.

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Celebrating Holy Week at Home

With the reality of closed Churches and cancelled public Masses, we’re all scrambling to figure out how to celebrate the liturgies of Holy Week meaningfully at home.

Our Directory of Live-Streamed and On-Demand Masses: Homilies at Home

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