Works of Mercy Craft Kit

Works of Mercy Craft Kit

PDF Download: $15

This Works of Mercy Craft Kit is available as a comprehensive PDF craft kit to print and it comes with permission to copy for use at home or in the classroom!

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Feast Day Fun: St Mary Magdalene

Welcome to Feast Day Fun: St Mary Magdalene

The Memorial of St Mary Magdalene has just been elevated to an official Feast Day!

A notorious sinner, St Mary repented and followed Jesus. She anointed His Feet with expensive oil, witnessed His Crucifixion and was the first to see Him after His Resurrection. She lived as a contemplative, receiving the Eucharist from angels.

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Feast Day Fun: St Louis and St Zelie

Welcome to Feast Day Fun: St Louis and St Zélie

With the canonization of the first Saint couple last October, July 12th is the first official Feast Day of St Louis and St Zélie!

We are reminded that part of our vocation in marriage is to help get our spouses to Heaven and St Louis and St Zélie lead the way in this, being the FIRST COUPLE to be CANONIZED TOGETHER!

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Saints Summer School

We’ve got craft kits that make learning about the Saints easy and fun! Purchase the SET for instant Saints Summer School!

Across these THREE Saint Scripts Craft Kits…we present 64 Saints with full color postcards, bios and quick facts plus black and white templates for kids to build their own Saint Albums or Saint Recipe Boxes!

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IHM Road Trip 2016

My mom and I just came back from the IHM National show and it was a great trip!

Our new 8’x8′ banner made its’ debut along with the Super Saints cards and our NEW and POPULAR craft kits including

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June 13: an Anniversary and a Feast Day

I guess it made quite the impression on the kids when we explained that the baby would be in a box at our private little memorial service at the funeral home. Little Gabriel, pray for us.  June 13, 2005

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Congratulations Bishop Scott McCaig!

Here’s our first ever LIVING Super Saints card in honor of our good friend Bishop-Elect Scott McCaig.

We will be attending the Episcopal Ordination of Most Reverend Scott McCaig, Bishop of the Military Ordinariate of Canada!

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Grand Re-Opening of the Arma Dei Shoppe!

We’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of our newest shipment of Super Saints decks! They’ve been spotted in Anchorage, AK…Louisville, KY…. Buffalo, NY and are currently on a truck to our house!

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Your Job is Not My Problem

Once upon a time, I had three kids at home…of the five-and-under crowd and I remember a certain three year old taking me by surprise.

We were struggling through potty training.

I had tried everything. Smarties (Canadian M&M’s), stickers, reward charts, guilt trips, peer pressure.

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Saint Scripts Two

Saint Scripts Series TWO with Kelly SaintsTM

PDF Download: $15

The Saint Scripts TWO kit includes 20 Saints (+ Mother Mary !) in a little recipe card format filled with Saint stats, a full color Kelly Saints Comics pic and a brief biography.

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