ALL NEW! Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS Craft Kit

This has been a labor of love! No really!

I have just released the NEW Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS Craft Kit for a brand NEW Lenten Devotion based on The Way of the Cross.

Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS PDF

The Fast, Give, PRAY the WAY of the CROSS PDF  includes 14 full-page illustrated Way of the Cross Stations with Fasting, Almsgiving and Prayer Challenges, to cycle through the hours of Ash Wednesday or Good Friday, OR to cycle through each day of Lent.

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All About Lent and Holy Week {Review} with GIVEAWAY

It’s HERE!

Ever since I reviewed All About Advent and Christmas by Katherine Bogner and Shari Van Vranken, I’ve been hoping for their next edition All About Lent and Holy Week!

And it DOES NOT disappoint!

Once again, this book is exquisitely illustrated and includes everything you and your family need to know about Lent and Holy Week!

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Gospel Graces for every day of LENT

Gospel Graces

This craft kit makes a good review ANY time of year of Jesus’ Public Ministry. It includes full Lenten Calendars (for all three Liturgical Cycles) AND postcard Prayer Prompts of all the key events with Gospel Reading references, illustrations and Prayer Prompts!
Use year after year during LENT…and ALL through the Year for Prompts to Pray through Jesus’ Public Ministry!

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NEW! Sacred Supper: A Christian Guide to the Jewish Seder Supper

Sacred Supper: A Christian Guide to the Jewish Seder Supper is a 24-page illustrated booklet presenting the significance of this Jewish Tradition while drawing connections and insights from a Christian perspective.

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Last Minute Resources for Holy Week: Traditions, Crafts and Videos

Today is Spy Wednesday!

30 Coins Hidden

Tenebrae means “shadow” or “darkness.” The Liturgy of the Hours is chanted and with the completion of each reading, a candle is extinguished until the church is pitch black.

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March Saints Days in LENT

Equipping Catholic Families for March Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the Liturgical Season of LENT!

The Monthly Devotion for March is St Joseph!

Book Recommendations

These books are SO GOOD!

Consecration to St. Joseph by Fr. Donald Calloway

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Last Minute LENT Print-and-Pray Craft Kits

Have you thought of what you’d like to do for Lent this year?

Giving up something, adding a prayerful devotion, donating money or time for the needs of the poor?

Here are a couple links to print-and-pray craft kits that are EASY to adopt for a prayerFULL LENT, even if it’s totally LAST MINUTE!

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Let’s LENT!

It can be a little daunting to choose what prayer, almsgiving, fasting and sacrifices you might take on. We’re here to help with the Catholic Mom Bundle! I’ve been working with a bunch of Catholic Moms, Authors and Artisans to create a special combination of resources to help you live liturgically, refresh your heart and focus your Lent!

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Easter Basket SALE

Want to PRAY MORE? Need some SACRAMENT GIFTS for RCIA, your kids or your Godchildren?

FREE Door to Door Delivery for Stouffville Addresses


Prompt Me to Pray by Monica McConkey presents practical tips for prayer that can be easily customized to fit our busy lives, habits, daily tasks, and even our struggles. Recognizing our littleness as an inexhaustible source of Prompts to Pray helps us to reach out humbly in prayer when we need Him most and reminds us that God can use all things for good.

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Holy Week Printables


Here are some LAST MINUTE Craft and Family Tradition Activities with printables you can purchase, print and PRAY with right away!

Gospel Graces

This craft kit makes a good review ANY time of year of Jesus’ Public Ministry. It includes full Lenten Calendars (for all three Liturgical Cycles) AND postcard Prayer Prompts of all the key events with Gospel Reading references, illustrations and Prayer Prompts!
Use year after year during LENT…and ALL through the Year for Prompts to Pray through Jesus’ Public Ministry!

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SUBSCRIBE for FREE Catholic Crafts and Family Traditions!