Feast of the Chair of St Peter

The Feast of the Chair of St Peter is on February 22nd and on this day, we celebrate that Jesus called (Simon) Peter to be the ROCK upon which His Church would be built.
St. Peter was the first Pope. While there might be a chair in Rome that St. Peter is believed to have sat on, the Chair of St. Peter represents the Papacy, the Office of the Pope and the Line of Succession of Popes.

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Living Liturgically in February!

Equipping Catholic Families for February Saints Days!

This is our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days, and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar. As our kids get older, our activities and commitment to Catholic crafts have changed and adjusted (at least for our last TEEN and young adult kids)! While we haven’t exactly been adding a lot of Catholic crafts around here, we do enjoy pulling out the crafts and programs we’ve developed over the years, sometimes sharing them with younger families in our parish!

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Brand NEW Guess Who? SAINTS! Printable

Guess Who? SAINTS! includes 2 templates to fit the original Guess Who? board game. Get to know the Saints! Ask questions to identify the Saint your opponent has chosen!

All original artwork for the Saints!
Blessed Carlo Acutis and Blessed Chiara included!

You will receive a link to download this digital file by email. This product will not be shipped to you. read more...for Equipping Catholic Families!

Catholic Crafts for JULY Saints Days

We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for July Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Precious Blood of Jesus.

A video about the #1 Most Impressive Eucharistic Miracle by Fr. Mark Goring

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Doodling Saints this Summer

Doodling with the Saints!

Build your family’s Communion of Saints with this new simple Saint stamp in the shop! Embellish each figure with the traits, symbols and clothing of your favorite saints, and see if others can guess who they are!

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Saints Days for JUNE plus secret REVEAL!

Monthly Devotion of June: Sacred Heart of Jesus

June Saints and Feast Days offer awesome opportunities to celebrate our Catholic Faith at HOME! If you’re just getting started…just pick one each month and save the crafts and decor you make and collect for years to come! It doesn’t take much effort to celebrate a Saints Day and enjoy how it becomes a unique family tradition, that your kids will ask for, even when you forget!

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Last Minute Resources for Holy Week: Traditions, Crafts and Videos

Today is Spy Wednesday!

30 Coins Hidden

Tenebrae means “shadow” or “darkness.” The Liturgy of the Hours is chanted and with the completion of each reading, a candle is extinguished until the church is pitch black.

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December Saints Days and ADVENT!

December Saints Days and ADVENT!

Equipping Catholic Families for December Saints!

It’s December and Advent starts THIS SUNDAY!

Here is our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days, and the appropriate Season of the Liturgical Calendar: Advent!

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10 Tips Fostering Everyday Holiness and Happiness in the Home

So, we’re about half-way through the longest liturgical season, so unfortunately named Ordinary Time.

But Catholic living can add so much richness to our everyday life and celebrating our Faith and family culture can be an active pursuit all year long! Here are ten ideas to foster your own family culture…while integrating the richness of our Catholic Faith with Saints, Sacraments, Scripture, Catechism and Prayer!

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Catholic Crafts and Saints Days for August!

We’ve put together a quick summary of Catholic Crafts for August Saints and the Monthly Devotion of The Immaculate Heart of Mary. Summer is a great time for a little extra crafting…so we also present Equipping Catholic Families…for Summer with the Saints!

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