Home in the Church {Book Review}

Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith

by Jessica Ptomey

Written by a convert to the Catholic Faith, this book describes so much of our rich Tradition and Faith in the Catholic Church: the Mass, the Sacraments, Faith in Family Life, the Liturgical Year of Feasts and Seasons, the Communion of Saints, Private Prayer and Redemptive Suffering.

When we choose to live our Catholic Faith, we feel the friction with our secular culture and we can feel discouraged as the values of the culture seem to be strengthening in influence. Jessica’s book is a refreshing reminder of these gifts of our Church that keep us rooted in our Faith, even in the most confusing and disturbing times.

From the Back Cover:

More and more, Catholic individuals, families, and parishes feel the pull to conform to the conventions of modern culture. Home in the Church offers a substitute to Catholics living in the modern world – calling them back to a distinctly Catholic way of living and vision of Mother Church as the home on earth that is leading them to their heavenly home.

Jessica has a nice down-to-earth style of writing while she quotes from the Catechism and Catholic theologians. She shares personal stories including her own miracle, for which she is grateful for prayer and the intercession of the Saints.

Jessica includes a few book recommendations for each of these gifts of our Faith at the end of each chapter.

This book is an excellent introduction to our Catholic Faith and an excellent tool to re-ignite love for our Rich Traditions and Gifts of the Church, namely the Mass, the Sacraments, the Liturgical Year, the Communion of Saints, Personal Prayer and Redemptive Suffering.

Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith by Jessica Ptomey is available on Amazon here: Home in the Church*

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