It is an irrefutable truth that the new evangelization in our time
“depends in great part on the Church of the home.”
(St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 52).
Monica McConkey has been equipping Catholic families with creativity, fidelity, and fun for decades.
This little book is another gem in that arsenal! It is both simple in presentation and profound in content.
But be forewarned … it could change your life,
and the life of your domestic Church, in powerful and beautiful ways!
~Bishop Scott McCaig, C.C.
Military Ordinariate of Canada
This is a wonderful and practical book on how to practice the presence of God throughout the day.
It is one thing to know that personal prayer is important and another thing to be given tools and tips on how to maintain our prayer life on a daily basis and especially throughout the busyness of our daily schedules.
Monica McConkey, a mother of five, has learned and developed these tools over many years of striving to be faithful to her relationship with the Lord throughout the day.
~Fr. Roger Vandenakker,
General Superior of the Companions of the Cross
If you long for a deeper spiritual life and a more vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, Monica McConkey’s wonderful work Prompt Me to Pray is the perfect companion for your journey.
By presenting practical prompts to pray, Monica provides a framework to help us encounter God’s presence not only in special moments of formal prayer but in the tiny tasks that fill our busy lives. Phenomenal!
~Lisa Hendey, Founder of and author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms, The Handbook for Catholic Moms and The Grace of Yes
I absolutely love love love this book !!!! Thank you so much Well done
The book is absolutely wonderful
~Antonietta Botticelli
Monica, you have really thought of everything and I am so excited about this book, I already know I am going to re-read this many times to keep adding to my prayer routine. Thank you so much!
~Colette Larson
I was recently on an overnight family camping trip which gave me an opportunity to experience God’s beauty. I feel that sometimes a prompt for prayer can be something simple as your surroundings. I believe this book is a real gem and will be beneficial for everyones’ prayer life whether you’re new to the concept of prayer or you’re returning to God through prayer after a period of being away. While I was working through the book, I was reminded of St Therese of Lisieux. As I was reading through the chapter titled “Littleness: The Ultimate Prompt to Pray”, I came across St Therese of Lisieux. For me, this was a mic drop moment. God is always sending us prompts. Don’t be afraid to open your eyes and see what is around you.
~Joe Sales Read More on Joe Sales Blog
I received Monica’s book in the mail and I couldn’t put it down. It is a work of love and beauty. If you are looking for ways to draw closer to God, or to open your eyes to see the ways He is trying to draw closer to you, this book is for you. Thank you Monica!
~Kerry Brine
What a wonderful book! When life is so busy it is important to make time for prayer to keep me grounded and this wonderful book has given me some great ideas of how to fit it in and to stay consistent. I am now prompted to pray throughout my daily happenings, rather than just morning and night. Thank you so very much for creating this much needed book. God bless!
~Louise McCarthy
Just finished your book! LOVED IT There are so many people in my head that I want to send it to!!!! This will be amazing for me too. I LOVE the pocket prayers in the back and all of your examples throughout the book with prompts!!!! Some of the smallest things, I might never have thought of are prompts to pray. This will take my spiritual life and others’ to a new level! Just what I needed at this time in my life.
~Sue Denz
Truly a valuable resource to help someone in any stage or vocation in life, Prompt Me to Pray is a wonderful tool to help guide us in “praying without ceasing.” I’m so impressed by the wide variety and well thought out examples of looking for prompts to pray in literally any moment and circumstance of our days. The book contains just enough of the author’s personal examples, as well as connections to the Saints and Scripture, and then provides specific prompts and lists to make your own personal plan. That guidance is laid out in a user friendly fashion so that a reader could add more and more prompts to pray at their own pace and depth of application.
I also really loved some of the resources in the back, such as the Prayer Starters to specific Names of God and the pocket prayers. The reflections really made me think about the opportunities to pray that I might waste throughout the day and how I can take better advantage of the reminders in front of me. I think my favorite section was on surrender and think that creating our own Litany of surrender could be a very powerful practice for all of us. Well done, Monica!
~Katie Bogner
Monica, it is great how you help others to pray. You gave so many examples of prompts to trigger prayer. With the variety of prompts, a person’s prayer connects them to the Trinity, the Saints, and with those around them. Your book is engaging the reader to action by having them respond with personal prayer in relation to the various experiences in their daily life. This book is a kit to guide one in a prayerful life.
~Robert Tabone
The book is amazing! I’m so grateful to have it.