Looking for last minute, meaningful Catholic gifts? All of our Catholic Craft Kits come with permission to copy for personal use and that means you can print and assemble them for beautiful custom, handmade gifts for your close family and friends!
1. Customized Prayer Journal
The Prayer Journal Prompts Special Bundle Kit features a collection of 7 pages of prompts, prayers and check-box novena templates to customize you own Prayer Journal or Planner…or unique Prayer Bullet Journal! Prayers and Novenas are illustrated with Kelly SaintsTM. Customize a DollarStore Journal with Prayer Prompts and classic prayers for your favorite prayer journaler or First Sacrament Candidate!
The Prayer-Loom Prayer Book features 7 pages of prayers and illustrated prayercards, a Faith mentor template to record insights and prayers from loved ones, along with helpful tips and links to make this Heirloom Prayer-Loom Prayer Book as a keepsake Sacrament gift and prayer journal.
2. All Occasion Catholic Cards Collection
The Kelly Saints Blessing Cards Craft Kit is a 50+page template with 14 watercolor Kelly SaintsTM Catholic Saints greeting cards and 65 black and white interior templates for every occasion…including Catholic Feast Days and Sacraments!
These can be printed all at once to have your own stash of unique Catholic cards…for every awesome Catholic Occasion…and then some!
Just interchange the outer greeting card templates with the black and white interior templates….for every Occasion!
3. Catechism Jenga
The Tower Tumble PDF includes 56 Categories and Answers formatted as little tags to adhere to your Jenga blocks! They are easily scotch-taped or mod-podged in place and include references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and/or Scriptural References! Also included: JUMBO templates for Jumbo Jenga Blocks!
Let them LEARN while they PLAY!
4. Illustrated Catholic Wall Calendar: Maximum Feast Day Fun!
The Wall Calendar for Everyday Catholics includes a 16 month calendar (illustrated with the Kelly Saints on key Feast Days!) as well as a number of special Lists and Logs Templates of illustrated stickies for your (other) calendar, planner and prayer journal.
Print and further customize with special family dates including birthdays, Sacrament dates and other Anniveraries! Make a copy for Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles and Cousins!
Never forget a birthday again!
5. Classic Games Converted to Catholic
The Kelly Saints Stamps Kit offers SIX DIFFERENT templates with varying size circles and stamps…with instructions and suggestions for how to use them to transform classic family games like Guess Who?!, Bingo, Connect4, Monopoly and Checkers…and as stickers on chore charts, family fridge calendars, agenda books, lunchbox notes, greeting cards and snail mail packages!
6. Hands-On New Ways to Pray!
The Hands-On Lenten Pack of Prayers is actually a great set of hands-on prayer tools for all year long!
The Hands-On Lenten Pack of Prayers Craft Kit includes coloring pages for the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary and the Divine Mercy along with specific prayer counter tools for each of the classic devotions including: Stations of the Cross Spinwheel, Rosary Prayer Counter and the Divine Mercy Prayer Counter. Once laminated, the craft templates accommodate both lace-up and dry erase (coloring) prayer counting. The kit also includes 17 illustrated prayer cards including classic prayers.
7. Church in a Box
Cathedral Clipart transforms any box into a Church for any little figures you have, including Painted Saints, Lego, Polly Pocket or Fisher Price. This craft kit includes Kelly Saints clipart for stained glass windows, rose windows, crucifix, stations of the cross and the side altar statues for a crafted Church. A tutorial (with safety tips and templates) is also included to make the church out of a cracker box!
8. Sacrament Reader
Do you know anyone making their First Holy Communion next year?
The Holy Communion: Sacraments with the Saints Reader Craft Kit features fill-in-the-blanks and writing prompts for Holy Communion: capturing what they have learned and what they’d like to remember. The 32-page Reader format is printed in black and white and easily embellished with full color clipart! Kelly SaintsTM clipart included in the kit and can be assembled as an 8.5″x5.5″ booklet, Paper Carousel or Table Accordion
9. Saints Rolodex
Each of the THREE Saint Scripts Craft Kits offers 20+ Saints research templates formatted as full color recipe card/postcards with quick and quantifiable facts, plus black and white templates for research projects.
The full color postcards have our signature Super Saints illustrations, a quick bio and a quote or prayer from the Saint.
Hole-punch the set and slide them into a key ring for easy quizzing on the go!
BONUS: I didn’t include the Play Mass Kit within the Top 9 only because we’re cutting it close to the shipping deadline to receive the wood pieces and assemble them!
Great gift idea for First Communion Candidates and Godchildren though, any time of year!
The Play Mass Kit offers itemized ordering information for our favorite wood company to compile your own heirloom wooden Play Mass Kit easily for about $20! Special tips are presented in a picture tutorial within the kit! Order the wood pieces separately from our recommended wood company in the US.
Please allow for ordering and shipment of the wood pieces!
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