Our kids range from 21 years down to 7 years old. Here are a couple tips we have found that have helped kids focus at Mass.
1. Mass Mantra in the Van 
When the kids were a lot younger, I found myself kind of overwhelmed at Mass with them, especially when Bill was travelling and I was going it alone…with the kids. Church is only a 5 minute drive away, but I found that when I took the time to list ‘the rules’ and get the kids to repeat them after me, sometimes a look or one word could reign them back in. After 21 years of parenting, I still haven’t achieved the look my mother-in-law mastered that could keep even the most wiggly boy in check at Church, but our Mass Mantra has helped….along with the odd bout of bribery good behavior reward after Mass.
The Church Check stamps are available in two formats (1″ square and margin), depending on how much space your Missal has for stamping. These stamps might be good for younger kids, if you’re trying to improve behavior at Mass. The Church Check stamps…are a bit of an experiment. The content comes from the Mass Mantra I’d make the little kids repeat after me on our way to Mass when my husband was away.
2. Focus Word
Even if they knew all the rules in the van, some kids still need a reminder in the midst of Mass. It can be helpful to talk about a reminder word or gesture beforehand that will remind the kids of the rules we had talked about. Sometimes a “no hitting” whisper might be needed…sometimes a mention of the carrot reward – a treat or some computer time might be just the reminder that will work.
3. Bribery
We’re not above bribery…sometimes the promise of computer time or a special treat to eat just makes good behavior possible. It has even helped to curb Church Illness…that phenomenon where an 8 year old becomes a wet noodle without the energy to sit upright, only inside the Church and instantly cured once out the Church door. Bribery can help with that too.
4. Mass Bag
Over the years, we’ve sometimes brought a Mass Bag for little kids, filled with religious picture books or Catholic quizzing cards on a ring, Children’s Missal, and assembled Craft Kits focusing on the Mass. It’s true that while these things (that aren’t particularly Mass related) may not help them focus on the Mass, they can help them to focus on Saints and holy things they see in the Church and just might buy a little quiet time to help everyone else focus a little better.
Here are some ideas: What’s in Your Mass Kit?
5. Church Chat
We have found that when we prep the kids that we will be asking what they remember about the readings or homily after Mass, they are more likely to join in conversation.
As some of our kids are now young adults, they even initiate these conversations when they hear a great homily!
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If you are a Mom of young kids and you find it difficult to take them to Mass, you might like this: A Letter to Frankie about Mom’s Mass Survival Tips or the whole Correspondence between our Adam and Frankie at Catholic All Year:
The Catholic Toddler Letters of Frankie and Adam
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