Imagine if your family learned specific details about a new saint every day this Advent!
Paper Version for $16 + shipping
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3 in 1 includes Season with the Saints, Year of Faith
and Advent & Lent Classic
PDF Downloadable: $13
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I did this with the youth group I lead a few days ago for the students to use during Lent. We made it during youth ministry time and it took a little under 30 minutes to cut and staple or tape together.
I really like that it does catechesis/learning along with challenging them to do something that day. It’s really solid Catholic catechesis.
The Church’s youth group I lead is a mixture of grades 7 through 10 so it worked well for a large age range of kids (it’s always a challenge engaging such a broad age range at once and this worked). This would be a great idea for families to do together as well.
I’m a big fan of equipping Catholic families after using this!
Thank you so much, Jen! It’s always great to hear from people using the Craft Kits we make!
I am looking for preschool Lenten activites. I did not see a search bar on your website. Do you have any?