Live Liturgically this MARCH!

Equipping Catholic Families for March Saints!

Welcome to our monthly summary of crafts and family traditions related to the Monthly Devotion, Key Feast Days and the Liturgical Season of LENT!

The Monthly Devotion for March is St Joseph!

Book Recommendations

These books are SO GOOD!

Consecration to St. Joseph by Fr. Donald Calloway

St Joseph the Protector: A Nine Day Preparation for Entrustment to St. Joseph by Fr. Mark Goring

The Cloak of St. Joseph 
VERY powerful 30-Day Devotion, but if you’re like me you’ll keep saying it every day!
Coming up to THREE years now!

Key Feast Days in March:

  • St Katherine Drexel (March 3)
  • St Casmir (March 4)
  • Ash Wednesday (March 5)
  • St Perpetua and St Felicity (March 7)
  • St John of God (March 8)
  • St Frances of Rome, St Dominic Savio, St Catherine of Bologna (March 9)


Super Saints on a Ring

Super Saints on a Ring are awesome Catholic gifts for your Easter Basket!


Season of the Liturgical Calendar: Lent!

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which is March 5th this year!

Paper Chains, Prayer Abacus, Revolving Rosary, Stations of the Cross and Works of Mercy Carousel…just some of the Catholic Craft Kits we have …packed with prayer and our original Kelly Saints illustrations! Hands-on crafts to build up your family prayer! It’s not too late to add a little extra focus to your Lenten Resolutions!

Last Minute Print and Pray LENT Craft Kits

Holy Week Printables


Project: Prompt Me to Pray Craft Kit
PROMPT UP your prayer this LENT!

24 (+6 customizable) Specially formatted Prayer Prompt Cards to be strategically placed to prompt us to pray unceasingly from the heart, fostering our personal relationship with Jesus.




LENT Craft Kits

Lenten Resources and Favorite Prayers

Lenten activities, crafts and family traditions!


Lenten Crafts made easy with our Catholic Craft Kit printables:


Prompt Me to Pray through LENT journeys through the Public Ministry of Jesus, beginning with the Temptations of Jesus and journeying through the events, teachings (parables), miracles, healings and Passion of Jesus.
Each of the 47 days, offers an illustrated Prompt to Pray.  We reflect on a Scriptural account of what Jesus did and taught, explore the virtue He exemplifies, and receive a Prompt to Pray, more consistently and from the heart!

Prompt Me to Pray through LENT is a 48 page, 50-illustration, staple-bound 8.5″x5.5″ booklet (black and white printing with color inside/outside cover).
It’s a companion to Prompt Me to Pray focused on Lent.

Prompt Me to Pray through LENT


Available as a printed booklet shipped to you in the US
OR printed booklet shipped to you within Canada
OR a PDF you can print yourself TODAY!


The Hands-On Lenten Pack of Prayers Craft Kit includes coloring pages for the Stations of the Cross, the Rosary and the Divine Mercy along with specific prayer counter tools for each of the classic devotions including:

  • Stations of the Cross Spinwheel
  • Rosary Prayer Counter
  • Divine Mercy Prayer Counter.

Once laminated, the craft templates accommodate both lace-up and dry erase (coloring) prayer counting.

The kit also includes 17 illustrated prayer cards including classic prayers as well as Lenten prayers for the Days of the Week.

Purchase in our Shop: Hands-On Lenten Pack of Prayers Craft Kit 


Advent and Lent paper chains resuseable
Advent and Lent Quest Craft Kit:

Paper Chain Countdowns! THREE in ONE kit with Saint Bios, Catechism facts or Family Prayer Challenges. Laminate to use year after year…and really these can be used to count down to ANY Feast Day or Season, but they include some special ones just for Lent!

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