So, we’re about half-way through the longest liturgical season, so unfortunately named Ordinary Time.
But Catholic living can add so much richness to our everyday life and celebrating our Faith and family culture can be an active pursuit all year long! Here are ten ideas to foster your own family culture…while integrating the richness of our Catholic Faith with Saints, Sacraments, Scripture, Catechism and Prayer!
All of our Cathletics Craft Kits come with permission to copy for family use and they’re packed with Catechism, Saints, Sacraments and Prayer to get you started, but we’ve included other helpful links too!
10 Tips Fostering Everyday Holiness and Happiness

1. Build your own Family Culture and Traditions
Print out those digital photos and keep them along with memorable certificates, cards, letters and artwork in a safe place.
- Collect family artifacts and treasures including our Courting Scrapbook
- Create family trivia
- Display a perpetual calendar with important family dates and patron saint dates!
- Pick up this year’s Illustrated SAINTS Calendar*
- Research and construct your family tree
- String together (or hole punch) favorite cards or memory catcher cards or pics!
- Start a shoebox of love letters for each child or Godchild
- Make a quilt (or throw pillows!) of favorite (outgrown) t-shirts
*also available in this year’s Back to School Catholic Mom Bundle, on sale this week only!
2. Build your Family Repertoire of Prayers
Collect family prayers and make up new ones. Give Prayer Journaling a try; we’ve got lots of craft kits and practical tips to make it extra fun and engaging…for the whole family!
- Prayer Bank
- Prayer Board
- Our Lady’s Revolving Rosary Craft Kit
- Prayer Journal Craft Kit
- celebrate Prayer Journals (Prayer Transcripts)
- Saint Stamps for Prayer Journals, Penpals and Prayerbooks
- Prompt Me to Pray Prayer Pack
- Pray More Novenas
- 5 Daily Prayers for Busy Families by Prayer Wine Chocolate
- 8 Simple Ways to Fit More Prayer into your Life by Marian Graces
- Reluctant to Regular Rosary Prayer by Equipping Catholic Families
- A Parent Who Prays: A Journal to Guide You in Praying for Your Children by Kate Warner
Here are some of our most popular Prayer Journal kits:
- Prayer Journal Prompts Craft Kit
- Journal Prayers and Novenas Craft Kit
- NEW Journal Stamps and Saints Stamps and Prayer & Rosary Stamps…in the Prayer Impressions Journal Stamp Shoppe
- Reconciliation Prep (and Refresher)
3. Tackle the Catechism…with these fun crafts and games!
Our Catholic Faith is so rich! We don’t have to resort to boring textbooks or last minute Sacrament Prep homework to become more familiar with teachings and terms of our Catholic Faith. Learn the fun way with these printable craft kits:
…and I just can’t recommend enough, the Catechism in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz
4. Savor Scripture! Start Bible Journaling; Record and Memorize Scripture
Establish a Bible in a year habit, record favorite verses and challenge your family to memorize them! Write down favorite Scripture as you read it…and leave post-it notes or paint chips in the car or kitchen table. Use them as bookmarks or tape to them to a mirror or the fridge.
…and I just can’t recommend enough, the Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz!
5. Re-orient your Family Schedule; Live Liturgically!
Revisit organization techniques…convert your planner or calendar to be Catholic! Live the Liturgical Calendar!
We’ve got Calendar and Planner Resources
- Calendar Saint Stickies Craft Kit …to convert your planner to be Catholic!
- Illustrated SAINTS Calendar*
- Saints Website Planner coming soon for 2023-2024!
*also available in this year’s Back to School Catholic Mom Bundle, (along with 34 excellent Catholic resources), on sale this week only!
Sacrament Prep and Celebration!
6. Celebrate the Extraordinary and Ordinary Family Events and Milestones!
Make Ordinary Time Extraordinary!
Establish weekly (or at least monthly) Family Events
- Movie night,
- Board game night
- Seasonal sports events
- skating, tobogganing, snowball fight / beach time, picnics, hikes
- talk about family memories including family trips and celebrations OFTEN
- look through family scrapbooks and watch home movies OFTEN
Celebrate the Extraordinary Events and Milestones and Family Firsts…but celebrate the every day ORDINARY things too!
Celebrate First Sacrament Anniversaries
- Annually: celebrate Baptism Dates, Patron Saint Feast Days, First Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation Anniversaries in addition to birthdays and wedding anniversaries and memorials
- As they happen: celebrate First Day of School, Big Kid Bed, First Tooth Loss, Riding a Bike without training wheels, Drivers Permit
- As they happen: celebrate good grades in school, recitals, concerts
- As they happen: celebrate little victories like overcoming a bad habit, conquering a challenge or taking on new responsibilities
7. Prep for Mass
Refocus on Mass time preparation…read the readings beforehand. Use a Mass Journal like this one.
- 5 Tips to Help Kids Focus at Mass
- Reconciliation Prep (and Refresher)
- Play Mass Kit
8. Capture Family Memories
- Scrapbook
- Add Framed Photos throughout the house and change them up often!
- take pictures in front of a blank wall…add text of age, height, favorites..
- print out Instagram or Facebook pics in photo books or yearbooks
9. Celebrate Miracles…and Answered Prayer!
Hunt for Miracles
Talk about prayer and intercession…and answered prayer!
Start a Family Gratitude Journal and include answered prayer!
10. Celebrate the Saints!
Adopt family patron saints; celebrate their Feast Days and ask for their intercession.
- Super Saints
- Catholic Conversations
- Communion of Saints Calendar
- Kelly Saints Stickies
- Saint Scripts
- Saints Activities and Games
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