Bless Us, O Lord {Book Review}

Bless Us O Lord: A Family Treasury of Mealtime Prayers

by Robert M. Hamma

Bless Us O Lord offers an extensive collection of prayers for mealtime for Days of the Week, specific Days within the Seasons of the Liturgical Calendar, Holidays and Saints’ Days, and other special occasions. For each of the Saints’ Days, a quick bio of the Saint is presented, followed by a customized prayer either attributed to the Saint or expressing special insight or gifts of the Saint for us to pursue or imitate.

Bless Us, O Lord is the perfect tool to help Catholic families reclaim and enrich the tradition – exemplified by Jesus throughout his ministry – of pausing before a meal to give thanks. You can introduce children to original and traditional blessings, the lives of the saints, the rhythm of the Church year, and the practice of daily prayer in a way that is both appealing to them and a means to unite your whole family.
(from back cover)

After glancing through this book, you might no longer be satisfied with the same old Grace before meals! Mealtime can be a new and exciting way to pray and live out our Faith as a family!

Bless Us O Lord is available through Ave Maria Press: Bless Us O Lord or on Amazon*

*Amazon Affiliate link: I receive a small commission when you purchase this book through this link, that does NOT inflate the price you pay. Thanks for your support!

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