Favorite Prompts to Pray: from our Readers!

One of my first prayer prompts was given to me and also to all students in my grade 4 class in Montreal by our teacher, a Catholic Christian Brother (teaching order of monks). He reminded the class that we were all soldiers of Christ since we had received the sacrament of Confirmation ( 1952).  He asked us to raise our right hand to our forehead and salute Christ quietly, without fanfare, every time we passed by a Catholic Church. Since there were about 5 Catholic Churches on the street car I took to go to school every day, I got lots of practice. The habit stuck, and I still do that today. ~Bruce

Ora Et Labora – to actually set a calendar timer to stop and pray when that is possible

Each time my necklace would end up with the clasp side facing me, it would prompt me to pray for my husband and future children.

An unscheduled visit from Jesus – a little chat! My flowering orchids will prompt me to talk to Christ in my own words. Every time I wash my hair, I will offer a prayer to my Lord who instead of warm water and shampoo felt a crown of thorns pierce through his hair into His Skull for the sins of the world. ~Josie

My favorite prompt to pray is the Rosary my son made for me that I keep in my pocket. Each time I search for spare change, my keys or a pen, my fingers touch the Rosary beads and I’m reminded of Christ’s Love for us, as well as of my son. ~Robert

I always make it a point to pray while I am pumping gas. ~AM

When I see a car that looks like the car belonging to a family member or friend, I pray a Hail Mary for that loved one. ~Barb

Each time I see an ambulance, fire truck, or police car go by with its lights on, I pray for the men and women in the vehicle: that they may arrive safely to their destination, complete their goal, and help whomever is in need. ~Jen

When I started your book, I didn’t think that I had a favorite prompt to pray but that afternoon when I got in my car, I automatically started to pray my rosary.  I do love to pray my rosary in the car!  ~Mary


Tell us what YOUR favorite Prompt to Pray is
…either by this super quick survey or in the comments! Thanks!


  1. Genevieve Carson says:

    Blue skies and lately the blue water of Georgian Bay always remind me of Mother Mary.. Monica your thoughtful, heartfelt book is making me determined to not let any idle thoughts ruin a perfect opportunity to address our Lord and or His Mother. Thank you for helping us to be more intentional in even the little moments of the day.

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