for the most complete and current list of Catho-LINKIES!

Cool 2B Catholic Pinterest PINBOARD Share Add your own Catholic Pinboards! Check out other Pinterester’s collections of Catholic Pins!
Sunday Snippets: A Catholic Carnival from This That and the Other Thing
Add your favorite Catholic post, every Sunday!
Cele-LINKY thru the CALENDAR Add links to your favorite posts about crafts, activities, traditions and celebrations for the different Seasons and Feasts of the Liturgical Calendar.
Fiestas de Enlaces (Festival of Links) from Familia Catolica
Look for the translate button to flip between spanish and english!
Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe
by Catholic Homeschooling
Lacy’s Liturgical Link Up from Catholic Icing Various link-ups for different Seasons of the Liturgical Calendar.
First Friday Linky from Catholic Icing Posted on the first of the month in honor of the First Friday Devotion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Nativity Activity Linky from Equipping Catholic Families.
Lots of ideas to make your own nativity…and to link your own!
Coolest Homemade Advent Calendar Linky from Equipping Catholic Families. Lots of ideas to make your own Advent Calendar…and to link your own!
Adviento Fiesta de Enlaces! from Familia Catolica
Preparing for Baby Jesusfrom Raising Little Saints
Christmas Link Up by Catholic Icing
Ideas for All Saints Celebrations, including costumes, games and food!
All Saints Link Up from Catholic Icing
Todos los Santos from Familia Catolica
Lots of thoughtful posts…link up on Sunday!
Link up your favorite classic or spontaneous prayers and devotions. Pick up a few new ones!
Rosario Enlaces en Familia Catolica. Ideas for family prayer and crafts about the Rosary.
Home of the Hmm…ily: links to Sunday Reading reflections
Sunday Scripture Study Share: Bible study links related to Sunday Readings
It’s not free…but it’s pretty cheap and fun to use…especially the THUMBNAIL linkies.
Thanks, everyone!
PLEASE take the button and display it on your site…so everyone has direct access to what should be complete an on-going, complete index of Catholic link ups!
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What a great list of links ups Monica! Thank you for sharing! I may have to link back to your post here on my blog so I can have all these handy on my blog and to share with others
It’s great to be Catholic in blog land with so many wonderful bloggers like yourself and others sharing our beautiful faith! Thanks for linking up to NOBH and sharing your post!
Thank you Monica! Nice to meet you too. Yes I received the I blog Jesus award from Noreen at Rosary Mom.
I don’t know why there would be a problem commenting but I have now added an email address to my blogger profile. Thanks for letting me know.
I’ve added your CathoLINKY badge to my the two sites. Thank you for including them!
Thanks Xhonane…and thanks Tricia!
Tricia…I haven’t been able to comment on your site and I can’t find an email address for you.
I like your blogs! Thanks for commenting on my CathoLINKY LIBRARY post!
I hope you’ll bring the button back to your sites. I have added the two blogs of yours, that you recommended.
I see that you are Canadian…so am I! =)
I also noticed that you received the I blog Jesus award…I made that. =)
So nice to meet you!
I have two blogs dedicated to linkups of reflections and studies of each Sunday’s Mass readings. They are very new and so I have had really only myself and one other participant so far. If you find they are appropriate to add then it would be much appreciated.
Home of the Hmm…ily is a linkup for personal reflections on any part of any reading for the upcoming Sunday. It is at
Sunday Scripture Study Share is meant to be more of a bible study linkup and the posts included should keep more to objective facts and information about any part of the upcoming Sunday readings rather than personal reflections on them. It is at
Both linkups have a button code in the sidebar on the sites.
One more thing… would it be helpful to have a button to promote this post?
Wow! Monica, what a wonderful job! This is a great resource for all bloggers!! Thank you so much for your effort and time you had put in this! Many blessings!!