Stations of the Cross Carousel

Stations Carousel
I was looking for an excuse to use these great Stations of the Cross images from Catholic Artworks Teach Me to Discover – Lent & Easter CD and I decided to adapt a craft called the Prayer Carousel
I ended up creating my own rotating (lazy susan!) display of the Stations of the Cross (see below!)
****NEW for 2015!!****
Stations of the Cross Carousel with Kelly Saints
We now have our own Stations of the Cross Craft Kit featuring the wonderful kid-friendly images drawn by 16 year old Kelly!
Instructions are included within this kit to make the Stations of the Cross Carousel…without the paper tube this time!

StationsNew! Stations of the Cross Craft Kit with Kelly Saints! 

Available only as a PDF Printable: $12

Now includes FOUR sets of templates:

  • 3.75″x5″ full color
  • 3.75″x5″ B&W
  • 2.5″ round full color “Cake Topper Templates”
  • 2″ square full color “Votive Candle Templates”
  • summary page of Stations with thumbnail images and descriptions

Subscribe below…and then click ADD TO CART to purchase your set with permission to photocopy for a whole class!

****NEW IN 2016!!****
Accordion Works of MercyWorks of Mercy cover2
NEW! Works of Mercy Kelly Saints Style!

Works of Mercy ~ Kelly SaintsTM Style (PDF only) $15US

Purchase here:
Add to Cart

Mysteries cover

Mysteries of the Rosary …and


Stations of the Cross …both featuring Kelly SaintsTM

carousel assembly 2
I found 2 paper rolls: a strong, but narrower one from saran wrap and one from wrapping paper.
I liked the way one fit neatly inside the other.  I cut each down to a 6″ length.  I tied a long piece of clear fishing line around the wall of the wider diameter paper roll and continued to wrap the rest of the fishing line through and around the wall of the paper roll.  I made sure that that the fishing line wrapped around the wall of the roll 10 times because I wanted to hold 10 folded cards in place around the paper roll.  (If you run out of fishing line, just tie another piece and continue.  Try to keep the knots tight and inside the tube.
I found images not only for the 14 Stations of the Cross, but the Entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, Agony in the Garden, the Resurrection, Divine Mercy and Ascension.
If you are sticking to the 14 Stations of the Cross, you will only need 7 folded cards.
I began tucking the cards behind the fishing line, and noticed how the cardstock that I used likes to spring open.  I decided to glue the images only on the ‘inside spread’ of each card.
I glued the smaller diameter paper roll to a frozen juice lid with a glue gun, but I think I need a heavier base so that it doesn’t just slide on the table when rotated. The wider diameter roll (with the cards attached) slides onto the smaller diameter paper roll and easily rotates, especially when the inner roll is held in place.
twirling carousel
I liked the finished product so much that I made a similar carousel for all 20 Mysteries of the Rosary,
again with my favorite images from Catholic Artworks.
This time, I didn’t use the paper rolls.  I just glued the outer side of each folded card to the next folded card.  I used a glue gun to secure 1/4″ dowel to a base (plastic lid), threading it through the center of the attached cards and keeping the carousel steady and ready to rotate.
I placed this assembly on a clear plastic lid, and the whole thing spins on a smooth surface.
stations and mysteries carousel
I think other variations could be interesting…especially spreading out these cute images and including special reflections and prayers on corresponding Stations or Mysteries.
Please send me your pictures if you try this at home!  Thanks!
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  1. Please I want this photo’s pdf please thanks

  2. Elisa Tingzon says:

    GOD BLESS U!!!!
    I like all your ideas…You are very gifted..It is very timely for all my needs.I am a volunter cathechist at my parish church.
    I can use all your marvelous ideas.Please include me in your mailing list if you can..I appreciate it very much.Thank you.. Elisa

  3. That is a really nifty craft! We have the same CD from Catholic Artworks. I really like their CD’s and books … I wish they would come out with more books!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Love this idea! Can’t find the link for the pictures. Any suggestions?

    • The Stations of the Cross pictures are from Catholic Artworks and the link is provided here: Catholic Artworks Teach Me to Discover – Lent & Easter CD.
      They are not free…but they are really nice, kid-friendly pictures.

  5. What a neat idea!

  6. i am having a hard time to find pretty kids pictures like these. any help please?

  7. Another great idea that I think I will be using with my Faith Formation 7th graders. Found the link from Joe Paprocki’s 40 Days of Lent on Loyola Press!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Please help find the images that go with this project.
    Not sure how to find them.
    Do I have to create a link? or a blog, etc? Love to use this project for CCD class.

  9. Awesome idea! Really love how well it could work in a small space.

  10. Such a fun idea! We may borrow this as a part of our Spirit led season. Thanks!

  11. Hi, I love this activity! I am having a hard time find the pictures that go with it. Can anyone help?

  12. Gracias. Me gustó mucho esta idea.

  13. Love this idea! It will be making an appearance in our house! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Great project! This reminds me of a guest post I showcased on my blog here:

    By the way, I’m your newest follower via the Random Makings Blog Hop! I hope you will follow back ^_^ Thanks!

  15. I like this A LOT. And it’s space conscious also.

  16. Great idea, thanks for linking up to the NOBH:)

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