The Catholic Prayer Bullet Journal!

I’m so excited about this new project! I started my own Bullet Journal a few months ago and I love how it works. I have brainstorming lists for projects and posts, a running log, a confession/spiritual direction log and lots of pages for tracking habits, gratitude, goals, prayer intentions, scripture to memorize, house projects, social media stats…and so much more!

Catholic Bullet Journal

…but what I’m really excited about is how the Bullet Journal format can be used SO well for a special type of Prayer Journal…and I just can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner!

Recently, I finished an awesome St Anthony Novena (thank you, St Anthony for answering my prayer!) but I found it difficult at times to remember to say the prayers even though I had them copied in my prayer journal, on my ipad and printed out on hard copies. That was the problem, I think…

I felt so scattered and while I could usually grab the prayers wherever I was, it felt a little haphazard

and I might have missed a day once…but continued on.

At the same time, I had a request for my new Prayer Impressions Rosary stamp to be converted into labels for a friend in Australia…

so I did what I often do. I created a NEW Craft Kit!

Catholic Bullet Journal Prayer Templates and Tabs…and it’s an AWESOME Craft Kit!

It builds on the Prayer Journal Prompts Craft Kit and (and the Workshop Kit) but it offers templates to collect and organize your favorite classic prayers and most popular Novenas!

Catholic Prayer Journal Novena Day 3

It even offers a cool system to organize the 9 different prayers of your favorite novenas…and a logical place just for your running list of prayer requests.

Catholic Prayer Bullet Journal tabs and prayers

I added a little washi tape for the different tabs…and I love how it turned out!

Catholic Prayer Bullet Journal Supplies


Making a Catholic Prayer Bullet Journal for a friend of mine, I used the templates from the craft kit to make the bullet journal tabs. Printing the tabs on full page label paper, I discovered that a set of highlighter pens can easily be used to color code the different tabs…before the tab labels are cut! This saves a lot of time and the printing is neater and more consistent!

Catholic Prayer Bullet Journal Highlighted Tabs on Label Paper

The 18 pages of prayer templates are super handy for ANY prayer journal or even planner or calendar. Novenas include St. Anthony, Mother Mary, St. Jude, St. Monica, St. Anne, St. John Paul II, St. Joseph, St. Peregrine and St. Therese.  The Kelly SaintsTM clipart make the templates even more fun to use!


Journal Prayers and Novenas Craft Kit

with BuJo (Bullet Journal) Tips and Tabs!

PDF Download: $15

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