Feast Day Fun: St Peter and St Paul

St Peter St Paul


June 29  is the Feast Day of St. Peter and St Paul.

Peter and Paul are two very important characters from the Early Church.

Peter was the most frequently mentioned member of the original 12 Apostles, who traveled with Jesus throughout His Public Ministry and could testify to the Resurrection. Jesus foretold that this apostle would be the rock upon which the Church would be built.  Despite Peter’s betrayal of Jesus after His Arrest, St Peter led the Apostles, became the first pope and was martyred for his faith.

Paul was converted from a strict Jew who persecuted Christians to the greatest missionary of Christianity: the Apostle of the Gentiles. He is the author of most of the Letters of the New Testament.

Feast Day Crafts and Activities from

 A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families



Peter was a fisherman when Jesus called him…and both Peter and Paul became “fishers of men”.  Draw pencil outlines of  fish (about 3″ or 4″ long) on colored construction paper,  record messages on them and cut them out. Messages may include

  • scriptural references mentioning Peter or Paul
  • references from Paul’s Letters in the New Testament of the Bible
  • other notes revealing a hiding place to find a candy or treat
  • suggestions of good deeds to do.

Place each fish in a sealable plastic bag or laminate them to protect the paper in water. Use a net on a pole to fish them out or attach magnets to the end of a string tied to a pole…and to each fish message. (The magnet can become the ‘eye’ of the fish.)  Take turns fishing out the little bags or laminated fish…out of the bathtub or a kiddy pool and read or carry out the messages recorded on them.

feetprinting family


2St Peter is also known to be the patron saint of foot trouble. Celebrate your healthy feet today! Run around in bare feet…or do some Feetprinting today!

This was a picture of one of our Feetprinting days for the Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul… a couple years ago.

Wow, the kids have grown…and so have their FEET!



Did you ever pick up our Guess Who?! Printables to convert your very own Guess Who?! Game to be Catholic  with

Guess Who?! 24 Popes…perfect to celebrate the Feast of St Peter and St Paul!

Guess Who SaintsWe also have Guess Who?! Saints!



Guess Who?! Cardinals




4St PeterSt Paul We also love any excuse to show off our St Peter and St Paul Wooden Painted Saints!

Check out our Wooden Painted Saints tutorials, tips and links


…and the Church made out of a GoldFishie Cracker Box!

Check out these other awesome links for St Peter and St Paul celebrations and activities!

Feast of St Peter at Happy Little Homemaker

Saintly Summer Fun at Shower of Roses

Pope and Rome Posts at Equipping Catholic Families

St Peter and St Paul Cupcakes at Catholic Cuisine

Welcome to Feast Day Fun: St Peter and St Paul!

Excerpts from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families , various posts at Equipping Catholic Families and our Saint Scripts Craft Kits (Series ONE and TWO).


Saints linkup button 2014

St Peter and St Paul, pray for us!

Do you have your own family activities, traditions, crafts or celebrations to share for this special Feast Day? Don’t forget to add it at the Celebrate the Saints Link-Up…or pick up an idea or two for your family to enjoy! Treasure Chest and Saint Scripts Kits

This is the another edition of Feast Day Fun…offering excerpts from

A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families

and Saint Scripts Craft Kits (Series ONE and TWO).

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