Most of the time, I spend my words in the blogging world on Catholic crafts, activities celebrating the Liturgical Calendar, family traditions…and sometimes family birthday parties and other curious adventures. Here are 7 posts where I have strayed a little out of my comfort zone…and published them as a guest blogger somewhere else!
I think Our Catholic Love Story tells you a little bit more than the About Us page on my blog….it has a circus and architecture school, a Fiero, photo collages and true love. It’s almost as cool as The Princess Bride. We’re going to be 20 years married…in just a couple weeks!
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I wrote What No Mom Wants to Hear as my first post at CatholicMom. It’s an honest post about my Mom-hood, the answer to “what if I wreck my kids” and how our family has single-handedly confirmed vocations for priests.
Getting a Grip on My Fertility is another honest post about our particular journey in Mom-hood. My heart aches for those who are not able to have children…and this is a little look into the struggle on the other side.
A Superhero is Still A Superhero… is a post I wrote while the loss of a loved one was still pretty raw. He’s still kind of a superhero to me and I can’t believe he’s gone.
We tell this story so often at Catholic Conferences…that My Direct Order from the Pope hardly feels like a guest post. Find out what St John Paul II said about ME!
Do You Need A Lifelong Confession?
This post is about one of the most powerful experiences of God’s Love that I’ve ever had. It almost made my heart stop to do it, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing.
For Praying Out Loud….has changed my concept of prayer…and my prayerlife…for good!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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