Spiritual Bouquet Cathletics Craft Kit

Prayer Petal Flower picThe Spiritual Bouquet of Prayer Petal Flowers has been one of our most popular crafts since we recommended it in our book

It became one of our first 4 Cathletics Craft Kits…and now we have over 30 Cathletics Craft Kits available!
We had already expanded the kit to accommodate all 20 Mysteries of the Rosary as well as the prayers of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. There are templates to make a pretty construction paper flower, plus clipart to make a meaningful gift card for both the Rosary and the Divine Mercy. All of the individual flower pieces have the actual Rosary or Divine Mercy prayers printed on them for easy reference.
Rosary Wall Garland pic
In 2012, we gave the Spiritual Bouquet craft kit a serious overhaul and easily doubled the number of templates and projects inside!
We added a giant wall garland of the Rosary. Imagine all 20 Rosary decade flowers winding around the walls of a room!
We also added 2 coloring pages for easy one-page, no-scissors-or-glue crafts for both the Rosary and the Divine Mercy.

cover spiritual bouquetSpiritual Bouquet of Prayer Petal Flowers Cathletics Craft Kit Monica McConkey (Author)

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