Perpetual Calendar

OK, so we’re a little late for the launch of the new calendar year, but this can really start anytime and be used year after year.  We created a template with 12 year old daughter Kelly’s awesome Kelly Comics and added family birthdates, First Sacrament dates, family Patron Saints’ dates and over time we continue to add any monumental firsts and family events and the dates that our loved ones have passed away.

Email for a chance to win your own perpetual calendar, just by answering a couple questions about what you would like to see in this new family-culture-building product.
Just write “calendar contest” in the subject line.  Thanks!

This is a new version of a custom calendar we made for our extended family a few years ago.  You can create one like this too, with your own collage of family pictures.  Once you format one and record your key family dates, you can get copies made for a treasured gift for your whole extended family!

With all the calendars we have made, we like to print the pages and glue them into a dollar store spiral-bound sketchbook.  It’s durable, with a nice cardboard back cover and it gives us a chance to glue a nice custom front cover on as well. 
We use clear contact paper (also from the dollar store)  to preserve the front cover.
you’ll find it in the Treasure Chest…

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