Hey Frankie…it’s a Snow Day!

Hi Frankie,
Sorry I haven’t been writing so much this week, but I’ve been pretty busy playing in the snow.You see, last Friday was a “snow day” which meant my older siblings were home from school because the buses were cancelled and most people were just staying home.  It was good to have them home, because we had a lot of work to do!

We have a nice backyard.  Every year that we’ve lived here, my Dad has built an ice rink in our backyard. It gets bigger and bigger every year.

My Dad is kind of old school…he forms the whole thing out of ice.  He has never even used plastic or boards…just ice and snowbanks!  He even puts a red ribbon in the ice for the center-line and we have 2 nice big nets for hockey.  We don’t even play a whole lot of hockey, but we’ve had some great skating parties.

This year, my Dad wasn’t able to make a rink, but we have our luge run well on its way! It runs off the top floor of our clubhouse and winds around the backyard.  We are the only people I know, who use the snow-blower in our backyard before we clear our driveway!  I don’t know…it sounds like something your Grandad might do! (I saw the X-Wing Bomber and the submarine! Wow!
 I thought I could help out a little, but it’s harder than it looks!
Hey, don’t knock the hat. I know it has pink pom-poms, but it was a trade-off.
Fashion or expediency.
Gotta get out in the snow…
Joseph’s making a fort!
and I’ve got some luging to do!
San Diego is tempting and all…with the warm weather, friendly Church lady 
and sand castles and biking, but I have a little more work to do in the snow.
Hey, did you ever see the the comics my sister made about me when I was just a baby?
Check out Up and Adam by Kelly Comics
She even has her own Kelly Comics Facebook page
and she used to draw stuff like this:
and this:
Well, bye for now, Frankie!
love, Adam
PS How’s the All for Jesus Lent Challenge going?
Want to read more of the Catholic Toddler Letters of Frankie and Adam?


  1. Wow Adam, your back yard is awesome. You must have a lot of fun out there. Maybe you’ll just have to come visit my Nana and Grandad in San Diego sometime, and we’ll go say hi to the Church Lady.
    Love, Frankie

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