A Collectable Correspondence from a Catholic Love Story

love letter scrapbookBill and I met almost 21 years ago at my first Young Adult meeting at St Patrick’s Parish. He was leading the group…and I was just checking out the Catholic scene at home, after returning from my 2nd year in Architecture in a city 5 hours away.

You can read our Catholic Love Story, if you’d like!

We dated for 2 years including 2 terms of 8 months apart, while I was away at school.  One of the terms was particularly difficult for me, but God is good.  Bill coincidentally travelled alot with his work and in my most difficult term, Bill’s work brought him to the city I was in…or another one close enough for a commute.  We didn’t go out on fancy dates when he came to visit…sometimes he just stayed with me patiently while I worked on my projects, anticipating the fearsome critique each Monday morning.  He drove me around, picking up supplies and moving my projects to and from school.  He even became my “glue boy”…tediously gluing the edges of those corrugated cardboard or foam core models.

We didn’t have internet or skype!  Long distance phone calls were a way bigger deal, especially with me as a student!  We did keep in contact by phone, but we also wrote letters back and forth. We’re both creative kind of people, so sometimes the letters included drawings, collages and homemade cards.


love letter scrapbook 1

love letter scrapbook 5

During one of my terms at school, my studio instructor commuted from Montreal (2 hours away).  Instead of meeting with us at our desks at school, we would fax him a collage of our work.



My letters to Bill evolved into photocollages with fragments of  my projects, photography assignments, other photos, handwritten news and notes.



love letter scrapbook collage

When Bill travelled to the States on business, he would send me postcards from the exotic cities he stayed in…Boston, San Diego, Miami, Edmonton, Sacramento,  Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Buffalo, Montreal, Newark, Rochester …OK, maybe not all so exotic, especially considering the part of town he was usually stationed in for waste truck computer installations!


love letter scrapbook 2 We have a pretty cool collection of letters, postcards and homemade cards!

I kept our correspondence and for our 5th Wedding Anniversary, I made a special album of these letters, postcards, collages and homoemade cards.

I was a little ahead of my time…because it was more of a scrapbook, before scrapbooking had its own aisle at the craft store.

I used a photo album that we had received as a wedding present, and constructed the pages out of calendar pictures, gift bags and any other cool paper or magazine pages I could find.

love letter scrapbook 4Maybe a second installation is in order for our upcoming 20th anniversary in 2014!

…with homemade cards made by the kids!

I do have my Kids Quotebooks  and I have a couple family tradition ideas  including  special collections of letters  to the kids.

family treasures

I have also started some Altered Collage Books (a treasure chest in a book!) for the kids, but I have yet to create a cool display of the favorite hand-made crafts and cards made by our kids. Hmmm…another project!


  1. Hi Monica,

    I love your post! Thank you for sharing your love correspondence story. It is funny: I’ve just finished writing my own love letter post. Before my husband Andy and I married, we spent three years apart while we did our university degrees. We wrote to each other every day we were parted. Unlike you, we no longer have those letters.

    Your collage scrapbooks of correspondence must be a real treasure for you and your husband. I can just imagine how many memories they bring back as you flip through them.

    Thank you for compiling the Catholic Bloggers Network directory, and for the reminder to fill in the form. Thank you also for visiting my blog recently. It was lovely to see your comment on my angel post.

    I am off to read some more of your posts!

    God bless!

  2. I really really really love this book. It really is art. I love the way you really mixed media. Very inspiring!

    I should introduce myself. I’m nancy, and I blog over at http://www.dosmallthingswithlove.com. I am a fellow catholic blogger, and have been enjoying your blog for some time now. I just wanted to invite you to join a facebook group I started for catholic bloggers. It is just a place to meet people, support each other and form a community. I’d love it if you’d be part of it.

    Think about it, and email me if you are interested:
    Thanks–and I love stopping by your blog!

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