Feast Day Fun: St Joseph the Worker!

St Joseph

Feast Day Crafts and Activities

Excerpts from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families , various posts at Equipping Catholic Families and our Saint Scripts Craft Kits (Series ONE and TWO). Although we enjoyed the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19, May 1st is the Feast of the SAME St. Joseph, this time focusing on the Worker. St Joseph was humble, pure, gentle and wise, protecting the Holy Family. He walked by Faith, taking Mary as his wife and guiding and protecting the Baby Jesus, heeding the instructions from the Angel of the Lord. He worked humbly and diligently as a carpenter, to provide for his family. It is believed that Joseph died peacefully in the Arms of Jesus and Mary.   Handprint Lilies 1 One of the symbols of Saint Joseph is the lily in honor of his purity, so we present the Handprint Lilies craft!   St Joseph TY Dolls 2 A couple years ago, we turned a couple of on-clearance TY dolls into Saints…like St. Patrick, Mother Mary, Jesus, St John Paul II. Here is my St. Joseph…and the St Joseph made by friend Lucia who inspired me with her idea and even sent me a doll (St John Paul II) along with these cute little tools she found!

St Joseph is one of our all-time favorite patron saints: patron saint for our  son Joseph…and for Bill and his brothers who share their middle name with him. Over the years…we have collected a number of great St Joseph statues, pictures and devotionals including:my felt friends St Joseph   St Joseph from My Little Felt Friends! He’s part of my custom Nativity set! St Joseph 2 The St. Joseph Prayer Pillowcase. Check out my review of the Prayer Pillowcases here! (lots of cute pictures!) First-Book-of-Saints-St-Joseph-1024x768 and a couple great Saint books which always have a couple prominent pages on St. Joseph!   St Joseph St Joseph was also one of the first Wooden Painted Saints that we made for our collection! Here are those links again with all of our Wooden Painted Saint Tutorials and fun ways to play with them!

  • Wooden Painted Saints Tutorial
  • What To Do With Painted Saints
  • Passion Play with Wooden Painted Saints
  • Snakes & Ladders with Wooden Painted Saints
  • Checkers with Wooden Painted Saints
  • Trouble with Wooden Painted Saints
  • Kelly Saints Cathedral for the Wooden Painted Saints (NEW! This Week with Printable!)

3 JP2, St Joseph St Juan St. Joseph is so important to our understanding of the Holy Family and such a great model of humility, purity and love that we had to include him in our Love Quote Cards Craft Kit (which make great Valentine’s Day cards…but also great little love notes all year long!) Love Like A Saint Love Quote CardsLove Like a Saint Love Quote Cards

Feast Day St Therese

Yes, that’s St Therese our Wooden Painted Saint in the picture. St Joseph would fit nicely too!

4   Is St Joseph a special patron saint in YOUR family? Make the “It’s my Feast Day” special celebration plate with this template…one of 6 one-page crafts included in the new Onesies Craft Pack Craft Kit! It’s only $5, but you can get it for FREE if you SUBSCRIBE to Equipping Catholic Families by EMAIL below or “like” our Facebook Page! (Just use the code subscribed or liked when you hit the “add to cart” button if you subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families or “like” our Facebook Page!) Subscribe by EMAIL here:

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Click this button to receive the Print Pack Onesies Craft Kit: Add to Cart Want to learn more about St Joseph?? Check out these awesome books! (Yes, these are affiliate links…thanks for your support! Your purchases through these links earns me dozens of cents…without inflating the price that you pay. Thanks so much!)     Saints linkup button 2014 Do you have your own family activities, traditions, crafts or celebrations to share for this special Feast Day? Don’t forget to add it at the Celebrate the Saints Link-Up…or pick up an idea or two for your family to enjoy!         Treasure Chest and Saint Scripts Kits

This is the another edition of Feast Day Fun…offering excerpts from

A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families

and Saint Scripts One, Two and Three!

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