Make your Holy Week HOLY!

Holy Week is here!

We’ve collected all our special Holy Week crafts and activities to focus our efforts and make our Holy Week holy!

StationsThis year we released a new craft kit: Stations of the Cross with the Kelly Saints. We can suggest many ways of using this kit and you might find just what you’re looking for …for a little extra focus this week!

The kit comes with black and white templates to color as well as full color templates that are ready to cut and glue!

Stations of the Cross Coloring pagesSimply coloring the Stations offers plenty of time to talk about them and reflect on Jesus’ Suffering and Sacrifice and how much He loves us!

I discovered how fun watercolor painting is, this Lent! Even printed on my home printer, the ink outline doesn’t run!

You could of course use marker, pencil crayon or crayons…depending on what you have on hand!

Stations of the Cross Votive CandlesThe kit includes a smaller set of full color Stations…perfect for easy votive candles! Lighting each candle as you pray the Stations as a family…lends reverence and focus for this awesome devotion! What a great activity for Holy Week!

Check your recycling bin for baby food or condiment jars.  The Stations can be carefully set inside…or mod podged into a stain glass effect with colored tissue on the outside of each jar.

Stations of the Cross Votive candles

Stations of the Cross Votive Candles


The Stations of the Cross Carousel has been one of our most popular Lenten Crafts, but this year we revisited the craft with our new Stations from this craft kit!

Stations of the Cross CarouselThe Stations of the Cross Carousel neatly displays all 14 Stations (plus the Resurrection and Divine Mercy!) and fits conveniently as a centerpiece on the dinner table!


Stations of the Cross coins 2

The Cake Topper Templates (of the same craft kit!) are circular Stations that fit nicely on frozen juice lids…or can be reduced to mod podge on poker chips. Either way, these disks, tokens or coins can be used to focus reflection as we pray the Stations of the Cross.

OK, so even though ALL of these activities can be made with the one Stations of the Cross with the Kelly Saints, maybe you’ve had enough of the Stations of the Cross?

Mysteries cover 500pxWhile we do have the NEW Mysteries of the Rosary craft kit with multiple templates and activities to use them, we do have a couple other awesome crafts and activities geared to this Holy Week!

Mysteries full kit

Have you been following the recent Painted Saint Doll craze? Painted Saint Doll Swaps and Printable Peg Doll kits have made these awesome little dolls so much more accessible for all of us!

Miniature Passion Peg Dolls in an Egg CartonCheck out our Passion Play in an Egg Carton.

We convert Catholic Icing’s Printable Peg Dolls to our 1.75″ sized dolls and they fit perfectly in an Egg Carton Passion Play set, Lego, Fisher Price and most other playsets that you already have!


We are working on a couple other ways to stage and store them! Check out the Easter Set of Little Printable Peg Dolls!

Resurrection Jesus and friends

You might want to get some grass seed and soil ready in a tub or recycled container for an Easter Garden! It’s the perfect, hopeful Empty Tomb stage for Easter Sunday!

Check out last year’s Cat Grass Easter Garden with the Painted Saints!

Jesus at the Empty TombDon’t have little wooden peg dolls?


These little people are made exclusively from egg cartons! See Egg Carton Saints Passion Play

Looking for a DIFFERENT activity than Stations or Passion Play People?

Making-Crosses-Cross-25510d1b37ecfb.jpgThis is a review of book I posted this week, guiding you through a prayerful craft of Making Crosses from found or abandoned materials.


Are you doing a Catholic Seder Supper this year?

While our Seder Supper Free Printable has been very popular, it has sparked some controversy about whether or not Catholics should celebrate the Seder Supper.

I found this article  (Salt & Light) helpful…along with this article that it borrows from, written by Joe Paprocki.


…and click the button to get your own FREE Simplified Seder Supper Printable!

Please kindly make sure that you are subscribed by email to Equipping Catholic Families! Our growing numbers of subscribers inspire us to offer FREE printables like this one!

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