All Saints Day Crafts and Decor!

Two of my favorite Feast Days are All Saints Day and the Feast of Christ the King! Both are coming up…with All Saints Day this Sunday and the Feast of Christ the King, 3 weeks after that!

I have offered Patron Saint Prints in the past…of any of the Saints within our Saint Scripts Craft Kit Collection.

We have custom Patron Saints Prints available! One customer asked if I could create 8″x10″ Super Saints prints of the three patron saints of her children. She plans to frame the images and hang them over each bed (or crib).

I think that this is a lovely idea!

I think it might just appeal to quite a few others as well, so I’ve been busy formatting about 70 Saints to make available in the Arma Dei Shoppe!

In our Diocese, our kids receive the Sacrament of Confirmation when they are twelve or thirteen years old and in grade seven. We’re pleased that they are once again recommending that the kids choose a Confirmation name, adopting a new Patron Saint!

I know that many parents, Godparents and Confirmation Sponsors are often looking for a unique gift to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation… we’re thinking a framed Super Saint might be just the thing!


Has your child received Confirmation yet? Who are the Patron Saints of your family?

Contact me to see if your patron saints are available as Super Saints Prints!

Last Minute Saints Day Crafts and Decor

Looking for other Last Minute Saints Crafts and Decor? We’ve got you covered with our easy to print Saints Craft Kits and lots of ideas for how to use them!


We have over 27 Saints-related Craft Kits at the Arma Dei Shoppe!

Contact me if you’d like to know which craft kit is best for each Saint craft pictured above.

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