Equipping Catholic Families…to live liturgically all year long!

Book Review: The Catholic All Year Compendium by Kendra Tierney

With Lent beginning in just a little over two weeks, this is an excellent time to order your copy of The Catholic All Year Compendium* if you haven’t purchased it already!

Catholic All Year Compendium  is available at Ignatius Press or Amazon*.

It’s an awesome resource for Catholic families and classrooms.

This book follows the Liturgical Calendar and offers comprehensive background biographies and traditions surrounding the key Feast Days throughout the Liturgical Seasons of the entire Liturgical Calendar.  Traditional Feast Days and Liturgical Practices and Devotions are explained in Kendra’s witty writing style as she shares personal experience and practical tips for living liturgically as a Mom of nine kids! It’s a great read cover to cover, but you’ll find that you’ll pick it up again and again for reference and prep to celebrate Feast Days and Seasons as they arise!

The only thing missing…are beautiful pictures (which would have made it an 800 page book instead of 400!) but you can find plenty of exquisite pictures…and now high quality HGTV caliber videos for particular family traditions and activities, featuring Kendra and her adorable kids at Catholic All Year and on her Catholic All Year Instagram Feed.

And here’s why you really want to have this book on hand for LENT this year!

Kendra gives a nice explanation of Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Tuesday) complete with the history of this celebration (the day before Lent begins) across different counties as well as within her own home. She describes both Mardi Gras program (complete with a King’s Cake) and dinner and dessert ideas.

As Catholics, it’s pretty customary to commit to a Lenten resolution and ideas abound! Kendra explains the three main  areas of focus during Lent: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. While choosing the right resolutions can be a little daunting, Kendra offers beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of Lenten practices, easily adapted for all members of your family. She explains Lenten Norms, days of abstinence and upholds the tradition that Sundays don’t count within the 40 days!

The Catholic All Year Compendium* is comprehensive and covers many popular feast days throughout all of the Liturgical Seasons. It’s nicely written and accessible to families with kids across  all ages. It’s easy to navigate through the seasons and feast days, picking and choosing the ones that are important to your family, gradually adding big and small family traditions to live liturgically. I think it’s a great resource for Catholic families…and I know this stuff as the author of A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families originally published in 2001 and currently being reprinted!

Kendra has also added Monthly Supplements purchased as printables or paperbacks, packed with the traditional prayers and devotions related to the feast days of the month. You can find them in the Shop at Catholic All Year.


I received The Catholic All Year Compendium in exchange for my honest review.

*Amazon Affiliate Links: I receive a small commission on your purchases through these links, without inflating the price that you pay! Thanks for your support!

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