It’s not too late! Sign up for a FREE Lent Program at Catholic Brain and discover a ton of resources for Catholic kids, all year long!
I was blown away by the comprehensive set of references, lessons, games, printables and videos at Catholic Brain.
Each day of Lent offers the Mass readings and a reflection on them, a journal prompt, a challenge for the day and an activity which could be a video or a quiz.
Reference, Games, Lessons, Stories, Activities and Videos all year long!
From the Home page, there is easy access to the entire Bible and Catechism along with an Encyclopedia of Catholic terms.
Games include Name Match, Fill in the Blanks, Memory Match and Bible Order (of Books of the Bible), with focus on Lent or Advent Games, Saints and Catholic Churches.
Lessons on Lent, Sacraments, Ten Commandments and God the Father include basic information and games to help absorb the information.
There are extensive Printables available with games, mazes, quizzes, coloring pages and other activities.
The directory of Saints includes quick biographies of an alphabetized collection of Saints.
Bible Stories and Saint Stories are offered in little book formats but may require an upgraded paid subscription for full access.
There is also quite an impressive collection of videos available, accessed with the upgraded paid subscription.
This exciting resource for Catholic kids will be wonderful for families, parishes and schools and there are different subscriptions available for individuals and different sized groups of students with a free 14 day trial to test it out.
Try the LENT Program for FREE here: Lent 2018 at Catholic Brain
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