Why I Love My Catholic Faith


  1. The Eucharist. Just as we reminded ourselves on the Feast of Corpus Christi this past Sunday, we believe as Catholics that Jesus is present to us from the moment of Consecration when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, from the inside out. He is thus present in all the Tabernacles in all the Catholic Churches throughout the world and we can visit His Holy Presence almost any time we want.

2. Confession. What an incredible Sacrament this is! We receive the full Mercy of God through this Sacrament when we humble ourselves to confess our faults and failings to a priest, receive absolution, do penance and resolve to sin no more!

3. Actually…ALL The Sacraments. We receive God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit directly in our hearts through these Sacraments …and through the Grace of these Sacraments, we embrace our dignity as Children of God.

4. The Church as established on the Feast of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, empowering and emboldening them, enkindling in them the Fire of God’s Love and preparing them to spread the Good News of our Salvation through Jesus Christ.

5. The Catechism. The rich Teachings and Traditions of the Church throughout these 2000+ years offer us wisdom and guidance in all aspects of our lives. I think we would be hard-pressed to find a question or issue that has not been researched and addressed by the Church through our Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Doctors of the Church and respected Theologians. There are bound to be teachings that are difficult for us to understand and follow, but the Wisdom of the Church seems to prevail despite our volatile culture that challenges it.


6. Mother Mary. In His final few moments on the Cross, Jesus gave His Mother to the Apostle John…and to all of us. Mother Mary, was the first Tabernacle of Jesus and her entire mission is to magnify her Son Jesus and to draw us closer to Him.

7. Priests. We’ve been blessed to know many awesome priests. Priests baptize us, absolve us, entrust the Holy Eucharist to us, confirm us in our Faith, marry or ordain us, anoint us, bless us, teach us and guide us. We are blessed to call so many awesome priests our friends and our lives are richer for knowing them! Thank you to these awesome priests who responded to God’s Call for them!

8. The Pope. In my lifetime, I have called 5 holy men Pope and each one has guided the Church with Wisdom, Mercy and Love …with the help of the Holy Spirit. Each one has had their own special gifts…but my favorite will always be St John Paul II.



9. The Saints. These are our mentors; our holy heroes, who have shown their virtue and Faith in God throughout their life and are absolutely confirmed happy in Heaven, interceding for us now.



10. The Liturgical Calendar. Packed with the Feast Days of all the Saints throughout the Seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time, there’s always a reason to celebrate while anchoring us deeper in our Faith. Our Readings at Holy Mass reflect the seasons and the feast days and are consistent in every Catholic Church, at every Mass, every single day, throughout the entire world.

These are 10 of my top reasons Why I Love My Catholic Faith…what are yours?


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  1. I could not agree with your entire post MORE!
    All of it and more are reasons I love our Faith.
    Studying the Saints is so humbling… and yet, the study has allowed me to give examples to other who are having rough times. Saints went through so much, and overcame such odds.

    Many blessings dear Lady!

  2. I love this! I feel as though you rounded out most of the smaller intricacies of the Catholic Faith, and her beauty! Thank you so much for sharing your reasons for loving the Catholic Faith – I, too, have loved the popes, the saints, the Sacraments, and even this past year as I’ve really begun paying attention, have begun to fall in love with the Liturgical Calendar.

    Thank you for this!!

  3. Love these. I agree with all 10!

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