I’m so excited to make another awesome craft with the Mysteries of the Rosary Craft Kit featuring the Kelly SaintsTM Craft Kit.
Not only can you make the Revolving Rosary, Mysteries Lace-Up Booklets and Living Rosary disks, here’s a quick tutorial for making your own Easy as Abacus Rosary!
If you already have the Mysteries of the Rosary Craft Kit, you can print out a reduced set* of the Mysteries of the Rosary Cake Toppers for this craft.
Mysteries of the Rosary Craft Kit
PDF Download: $15
*print Mysteries of the Rosary Cake Toppers at 40% scale for 1″ disks.
I’ve also created the Easy as Abacus Craft KitLET…a mini craft kit with the Rosary clipart formatted specifically for your Abacus Rosary!
Easy as Abacus ROSARY Craft Kitlet
PDF Download: $5

Easy as Abacus ROSARY Tutorial
So, I purchased a 5″ square framed canvas from the dollar store, along with a package of pony beads, craft cording and chalkboard sticker sheets. I had the Rosary clipart printed out at Staples and cut the sets of Mysteries out in strips to fit the frame.
I decided to use the backside of the framed canvas so that I could secure the string of beads across the opening.
I mod-podged the strips of Mysteries in place around the edge of the frame so that as I turn the square frame, the bottom set is oriented properly.
I cut a piece of the chalkboard sticker paper to size and adhered it to the canvas.
I secured a string of 10 beads in place across the opening with thumbtacks. The thumbtacks conveniently cover up the corner staples. You could add one different colored bead to represent the Our Father of each decade, if you’d like.
I secured a piece of cord along the outside edge with thumbtacks, threading a single bead along the length of each side. This bead will help indicate which Mystery of the Rosary is focused on for each decade.
I’m debating about whether or not we need a string of beads for the first Prayers of the Rosary: the Creed, the Our Father and 3 Hail Marys. What do you think…and where should it be attached?
Finally, I mod-podged the larger full color illustration of Our Lady of the Rosary on the other side of the canvas frame. There is also a black and white template of the same image included within the kit, if you’d like to color it with pencil crayons or paints for further customization.
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