You may have noticed less frequent posting over here at Equipping Catholic Families. We took a little extra family time this summer and we’re just now getting refocused on the blog and a few new creative projects including some Cathletics Craft Kits!

Back to School 2016
Now that we’ve got our kids settled back into school, I’ve been looking at how best to get a better grip on home and family schedules, the blog and creative projects. I’ve been structuring my prayer journal, committing to better prayer time and consistent exercise, dabbling in bullet journaling, converting-to-Catholic my fridge calendar and this secular Happy Planner and working out a better system for an overflowing supply of passwords.
I’ve also been blessed to get the opportunity to review this awesome Catholic Planner from Catholic Sistas!

Catholic Through the Year Planner from with Saint Stickies from
I love that it is available in hard copy AND as a collection of PDFs to print in the way that suits your life best.
Check out all the awesome features…many unique to this planner:
- ♦ Liturgical calendar planners begin with the start of the Church calendar, the first Sunday of Advent.
- ♦ Academic planners begin with July and run through the following June, making it more utilitarian for both students and homeschooling families who start school earlier in the summer.
- ♦ Year at a glance
- ♦ 12 month at-a-glance pages {two-page spread per month for maximum use}
- ♦ Weekly planners for each month, giving you plenty of customizable space to meet your needs
- ♦ Personal information page
- ♦ Contact sheet for friends, family, & acquaintances
- ♦ Multiple pages for note taking or doodling!
- ♦ A meaty section on prayer, including verses from Sacred Scripture, quotes from saints, & references pulled from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as a truncated list of common prayers.
- ♦ Visually enhanced format and font choices, making it easy for you to spot the information you need
- ♦ This calendar was created using the standard guidelines of the Church calendar, both the Roman Missal promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1969 used in the Ordinary Form of the Latin Rite {the Novus Ordo} and the Roman Missal promulgated by Pope St. Pius V and reissued by Pope St. John XXIII in 1962 used in the Extraordinary Form {the Traditional Latin Mass – TLM}
- ♦ QR codes to different Catholic Sistas posts and articles throughout the monthly calendars
- ♦ the Proverbs 31 Catholic Woman introduction and the examination of conscience sheet we shared through the series for easy reference
- ♦ Spiritual Sketch – a hands-on approach to setting attainable spiritual goals
- ♦ Ignatian daily examen
- ♦ Monthly goals
- ♦ Water tracker
- ♦ Celsius/fahrenheit degrees on weekly spread
- ♦ Custom artwork throughout the calendar by Monica of Dovetail Ink, including a cover so unique you will want to show it off to everyone!
I printed the PDF pages, 2-up to fit the smaller binder I’ve used in the past. These pages are 8.5″x5.5″. I also embellished the days (already nicely identified by Feast Day, Daily Mass Reading References and Rosary Mysteries) with my own Saint Stickies available here.
I love that the CTTY Planner comes in a printed version AND as a PDF for people like me who like to pick and choose which templates are right for them. I really like the Daily Examen, the prayers, Scripture and Saint quotes and the organization pages for bloggers…in fact, I like the way there are different packets available for homeschoolers and bloggers and for household management, in addition to a comprehensive calendar with all the Feasts and Seasons!
The artwork is nice and I would imagine I would LOVE the Catholic stickers (also available for purchase at CatholicSistas) if I hadn’t already designed my own set over here for journals, calendars and planners: 461 Saint Stickies
The only additional features or pages I would probably add to the CTTY planner is an organized section for Passwords (watch for my own DIY Passwords Book coming soon) and possibly a feature on the Calendar days to record NFP charting (or a reduced, fold-out version of customary NFP pages). Corresponding with Martina, the creator of CTTY, there are good reasons for not including these additional templates within the planner, namely security risks and versatility across NFP methods. I completely understand.
I received my complimentary The Whole Enchilada PDF package of CTTY in exchange for my honest review.
Just a few days left!
Back to School Craft Kit SALE!
Spend $40 in Catholic Sacrament, Saint, Catechism, Calendar or Prayer-packed Craft Kits and get $10 off here at the Back to School Craft Kit Sale! (until September 16th, 2016, 11:59pm)
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