We did it! We just released Saint Scripts Series THREE with full color postcards packed with Kelly Saints, quick facts and bios along with black and white research templates to color the Kelly Saints and add the info! Saint Scripts ONE and Saint Scripts TWO have been SO popular…and we just had to make a new kit to include
St Louis and St Zélie Martin
in honor of their Canonization yesterday!
We’re also pretty excited about the other saints included in the kit…we even added TWO extra this time because we just couldn’t let go of any of them!
Saint Scripts Series THREE includes:
- St Agatha
- St Brendan
- St Brigid
- St Gemma
- St Joachim
- St John the Apostle
- St John the Baptist (new and improved)
- St John Bosco
- St Josemaría Escrivá
- St Josephine
- St Lawrence
- St Luke
- St Mark
- St Mary Magdalene
- St Matthew
- St Philip Neri
- St Teresa of Avila
- St Thomas the Apostle
- St Thomas Aquinas
- PLUS St Louis and St Zélie!
I think my favorites might be St Mary Magdalene, St Thomas Aquinas and St Teresa of Avila…
oh, but who am I kidding…I love St John the Baptist and St Gemma as well!
Saint Scripts Series THREE Craft Kit includes
- photocopying instructions, assembly and activity instructions
- 22 Saints Recipe Cards (Postcards) with Saint profiles, fact-packed with info for easy reference plus full color Kelly Saints picture
- 22 black and white templates with Kelly Saints to color and research to add
Saint Scripts Series THREE (PDF Only): $15
If you’d like to purchase ALL THREE Saint Scripts Craft Kits,
Buy the Bundle here: Arma Dei Shoppe Saint Scripts Bundle 1,2,3
Saint Scripts Series ONE contains the full color recipe cards plus blank templates with coloring picture for these Saints: St Andre, St Anthony, St Catherine, St Christopher, St Clare, St Dominic, St Faustina, St Francis, St John, St Jude, St Nicholas, St Pio, St Patrick, St Paul, St Peter, St Raphael, St Rita, Bl Teresa, St Therese, St Vincent AND Jesus
Saint Scripts Series ONE (PDF only)
Saint Scripts Series TWO contains the full color recipe cards plus blank templates with coloring picture for these Saints: St Agnes, St Anne, St Augustine, St Benedict, St Bernadette, St Cecilia, St Gabriel, St George, St Gerard, St Gianna, St Joan, Bl John Paul II, St Joseph, St Juan, St Kateri, St Lucy, St Maria, St Maximilian, St Michael, St Monica AND Blessed Virgin Mary
Saint Scripts Series TWO (PDF only)
Hi! So glad I found these. I am purchasing all 3, although sadly both the discount codes are expired.
Oh well, full-price it is. Still worth it. Would have taken me days to pull a sloppier version together, and I probably would have ended up giving up anyway because of the enormity of the task. Thank you for making it so easy to teach the children about the saints.